by User Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:56 pm
I wish not for Dark soul and Demon soul lore to become connected. As I know, the two stories have a complete different aspect to one another, with only a few things worth of connection. Many enemies are similar to one another, I can guarantee in that regard. You can see the enemies connections in Dark and Demon Souls. As well, many things are showcased in Dark Souls, like Patches and such. However... the story and lore of both games are too spread out. One, Demon's Souls, consists of a plagued world of the Demons, in which the player must absorb their power and seal away the great one (or claim the power that it wields); Dark Souls is more so a land plagued by a special Flame, as well as many aspects such as the Dark Sign and Humanity, in which all of Humanity suffers and becomes 'chaotic' due to the deity Gwyn sacraficing all his power believing in what is right, removing Order in the world of Men.
I do not know what the hybrid game would be, but I would say I would not rejoice it as much as the original two Souls, that is for sure. Go threw the Final Fantasy route (I don't play it, but I know how it generally works similar to Soul Game in this coming regard), create games that follow similar mechanics, but the story and areas are always absent from each other when it comes to linkage.