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    Supposed alignment of the covenants?


    Do you think the alignments assigned to the different covenenants makes sense?

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    Supposed alignment of the covenants? I_vote_lcap17%Supposed alignment of the covenants? I_vote_rcap [17%] 
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    Supposed alignment of the covenants? I_vote_lcap33%Supposed alignment of the covenants? I_vote_rcap [33%] 
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    Supposed alignment of the covenants? I_vote_lcap17%Supposed alignment of the covenants? I_vote_rcap [17%] 
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    Supposed alignment of the covenants? I_vote_lcap33%Supposed alignment of the covenants? I_vote_rcap [33%] 

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    Supposed alignment of the covenants? Empty Supposed alignment of the covenants?

    Post by dmickeyc Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:49 pm

    I've looked through this forum (at least in the covenant section) regarding how the supposed "alignments" was assigned to the 9 covenants available at the moment, and have found nothing to explain why they have been conveniently pigeon-holed into the 9 alignments typed typically found in D&D.

    While this is more of a point regarding the lore, and the play-style of these covenants rather than anything else, I am somewhat perplexed why the Warriors of Sunlight are classified as Lawful Neutral, and the Path of the Dragon is Neutral Evil.
    In basic D&D terms, Lawful Neutral typically consists of soldiers who simply follow orders, not benevolent spirits that always try to help others. Neutral Evil are the most vile characters in D&D, and will do anything to accomplish their goals.
    Given that sunbros by and large partake in 'jolly cooperation" above all else (though there seems to be a number that partake in "not-so jolly ganking"), and the Path of the Dragon can only invade via a summon sign, it makes the arbitrary alignment pigeon-hole seem rather unfounded.

    The contrast between the lore behind the Dark Wraiths and Way of the White do seem to paint them as ideal polar opposites, though the whole idea of sacrificing others for the "greater good" does not ring too well with the Lawful Good alignment. And Neutral Evil would probably fit the Dark Wraiths better, the covenant particularly notorious for its griefers.

    And as "good" as the Darkmoon covenant may be, it typically involves players backstabbing you when you bow... Though the "guilty always pay a price" statement seems to identify fairly well with the Chaotic Good alignment.

    But anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else thought about this as well, and whether they think it should be revised, or just left as it is.
    The page in question:-

    Last edited by dmickeyc on Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Duke's Archivist
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    Supposed alignment of the covenants? Empty Re: Supposed alignment of the covenants?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:51 pm

    Which brings me to another question, does the new content have new covenants or was that all just smoke?
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Supposed alignment of the covenants? Empty Re: Supposed alignment of the covenants?

    Post by DoughGuy Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:53 pm

    I have asked about this before. The alignments were put their for fun, and the admins see no reason to remove them now. Just ignore them they are obsolete.

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    Supposed alignment of the covenants? Empty Re: Supposed alignment of the covenants?

    Post by dmickeyc Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:56 pm

    Well the "put in just for fun" works for me. I thought there was something I missed regarding to how they were pigeon-holed as such in the wiki.
    And thanks for replying DoughGuy.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Supposed alignment of the covenants? Empty Re: Supposed alignment of the covenants?

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:00 am

    No problem.
    And welcome to the forums btw.

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    Supposed alignment of the covenants? Empty Re: Supposed alignment of the covenants?

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