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    40 Vitality vs Backstab?


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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by ApostolicC Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:38 am

    So i noticed alot of the builds on the wiki encourage high vitality. Im just wondering is this because a high enough vitality may help defend against a backstab?(aside from the obvious defense etc etc)

    Been trying some different builds, none of which make it over 25 vitality lol but I like them and may try a new one with high vit pending.

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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty Re: 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by WyrmHero Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:44 am

    Higher Vit=higher chance of surviving. It matters in duels, when we don't usually heal, and when you are an invader, when you usually don't have time to heal.

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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty Re: 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by Rin Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:50 am

    meh vit's 4 ******* my vit build/ highest vit toon i got has about 40 vit silly

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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty Re: 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by Wisp Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:52 am

    At SL99+, All my build have 50 vit. Or at the very least, about 40 Vit with the FaP ring. And 1500 often feels like not enough.

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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty Re: 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by Rin Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:56 am

    i think 30 vit is too much tongue

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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty Re: 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by Zaventem Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:06 am

    Minimum is 50 in my opinion for most of my builds.Dark Souls does not have second chance so the hp feels much lower.Most 40 vit builds in Demon's Souls ran second chance so that's 1986 if you add in the hp with it on if they die.
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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty Re: 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by dancash1808 Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:15 am

    I'd say either go 8-10 or go for 30+ the middle levels seem kinda useless to me silly sure a single HR BS can kill you at 30 vit but thats life *shrugs*
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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty Re: 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by Tolvo Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:59 am

    With elemental weapons your backstabs will deal extreme damage, so you don't need stats to increase a weapons damage. Because of that, Vit toons are really common. It takes the idea of having a great offense and defense. Incredibly easy to set up such a toon too, and easier to play so it's super common.
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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty Re: 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by RANT Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:26 am

    All my builds have 40 vit, giving for 50 or more feels like a waste of points, my warrior build is the only one with 50 vit since I had nowhere else to put those points that were left.

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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty Re: 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by Fotitudo Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:13 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:All my builds have 40 vit, giving for 50 or more feels like a waste of points
    i agree!
    but i wont go higher than 50 vit. Only if i have some points left, and my end/att is high enough.
    50 Vit = 1500 hp
    60 Vit = 1588 hp, and imo 10 sl´s aren´t worth the 88 hp.

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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty Re: 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by reim0027 Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:12 pm

    The only time it is worth going higher than 45 or 50 is with the MoM and FaP. Then, the gains are better. But, still not a huge benefit unless you go really high (elemental build), since your stats are better placed into defense (endurance for heavier armor) or attacks (better buffs, better str/def, or spells/miracles/pyro).
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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty Re: 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by Forum Pirate Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:36 pm

    Depends on the build and the sl. If you're using the demon great machete, you want as much hp as possible, so 40+ is a good idea. If you're using a spear on the other hand, you can cut vit as far down as 25 fairly easily, because you have a ton of range and can turtle, but have sub par damage so boosting the damage is a better bet there.

    If someone is really determined to kill you with a backstab, no amount of vit can stop them doing so in 1 hit.

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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty Re: 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by lordgodofhell Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:46 pm

    This came up in a recent thread, the question was should they go more armor or more health i.e. End vs Vit. My answer...trick question sir, go more AR

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    40 Vitality vs Backstab? Empty Re: 40 Vitality vs Backstab?

    Post by Ghadis_God Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:07 am

    I like 50 Vit with the FaP ring, or at least 40. 1800 HP is such an advantage.

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