I want to clarify that I do not fish, but if someone strafes at a diagonal angle towards me Im going to do the same and if your back pops up in my face, yes, I am going to backstab you.
I have received a ridiculous amount of hatemails in my time in Dark souls, everything ranging from the nicer "You should riposte more mate, people would be less irritated with that" to the "You are what is wrong with this community, ***".
Now why am I whats wrong with the community? I CHOOSE to use a game mechanic that they CHOOSE not to use. Afterwards they send me hatemail; which is sometime absolutely disgusting, yet I am the problem with the community.
I dont think so. In every single game that has ever been created to have an online multiplayer competitive component there are OP abilities and weapons. Would you go into Call of duty, select a pistol and smoke grenades and send hatemail to anyone who snipes, nades or sprays you with an automatic? I think not.
There are plenty of abilities and techniques in dark souls which I would say are OP and unfair and yes sometimes I do really rage when I lose a fight to these individuals BUT I would never stoop so low as to hatemail someone. This is the problem with the community.
What builds a strong community? Core players who are willing to let things wash off their back and not upset them to the extent that they harass others. Players who are willing to just accept that other people will play the game the way they want and to find the individuals who share your views and play with them to get the most enjoyment.
A community is not a large amount of people who feel the exact same way about everything. A community contains many different people with many different views who are all bouncing off each other creating interesting scenarios.
If everyone played by the "No backstab" bullpoo rule then how long would it be before other things began to be considered "OP"?
That is the jist of my rant. Below is a SPOILER related to the PC VERSION of the game, and i'm afraid I do not know how to make the spoiler box so do not continue to read this post if you wish to avoid spoilers. Thanks.
- Spoiler:
- When i've been playing on consoles, I never got hatemailed for backstabbing; only backstabbing with Hornets on. Now that i've went to PC and the hornets is nerfed im just getting hatemail for backstabbing all together. This has shown me that the problem was never getting hornet stabbed, it was getting beaten. Now that the hornets ring is nerfed I dont even use it, swapped it out for a wolfs ring for beastly poise, so it's fair to say that my backstab is just as powerful as theirs, yet they CHOOSE not to do it so I have to put up with their abuse. Funny that.
Last edited by Knight Alundil on Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:16 pm; edited 1 time in total