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    Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword!


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    Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword! Empty Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword!

    Post by Silverfox81 Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:33 am

    Hi Guys, long-time observer but first post.

    I love Dark Souls but due to real life commitments I can only dip into the game every so often, as such I probably have spent more time reading this wiki than actually playing the game. I was aware from early on that using the Drake Sword made the early hours of gameplay a lot easier (some suggest too easy), but as I didn't want to spend my limited time on the game dying over and over it seemed like a good choice.

    Now however I'm starting to regret my actions. I am heading towards the end of the depths and the Drake Sword is starting to look a little inferior, it also seems rather brittle and needs constant reparing, and there isn't much you can do to upgrade it. Because of my reliance on the drake the only other sword I have put any (small) investment in is the Zwie but its still a little to heavy and slow. I have built up an array of other weapons but as standard are still inferior to the Drake.

    My question is what is a suitable replacement, should I build up my stats to handle the Zwie better or is there a better weapon coming up. Fighting the Gaping Dragon with a standard estoc is funny but fatal.

    I am I Warrior building towards strength/dext if that helps.

    Cheers in advance.

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    Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword! Empty Re: Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword!

    Post by iGBx Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:37 am

    The Claymore will be a good choice for you. With 40 str & 40 dex it is perfect and at +15 it will be beastly ^^

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    Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword! Empty Re: Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword!

    Post by LordRevan Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:15 am

    Yeah so as he said a Claymore will be great. It scales C/C with Str/Dex and therefore is very solid for a Str/Dex build.

    Best thing to do is look through the weapons you have at their scaling and try get something similar to above (ie Str or Dex B or above, or both C) would be decent. Then try out those weapons, stick with one that you like the move set of and upgrade that.

    Also with your Drake Sword you mentioned it being rather brittle, just incase you don't know. Using the R2 attack(The special one) uses up durability an so should not be used too often.

    Lastly, Welcome to the forums! Well What is it

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    Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword! Empty Re: Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword!

    Post by oregonav8r Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:09 am

    I wouldn't say the drake sword makes it too easy necessarily, if you're new to the game its still easy to die at that point from carelessness or making mistakes.

    Anyway I'd do the same others have suggested and go for the claymore...good all-around weapon for a strength/dexterity character.

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    Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword! Empty Re: Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword!

    Post by SlakeMoth Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:31 am

    I always go for the Drake Sword asap with a new character. I don't care what people say about it making the game too easy, at that stage I need all the help I can get because my character has low stats and is underpowered. I'm a huge fan of light fast swords like Uchigatanas, so I try and get the Iaito from Blighttown for my next weapon and of course a bow is essential early on if you want the Drake. At the end of the day which weapon you use most depends on your preferred fighting style.

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    Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword! Empty Re: Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword!

    Post by WyrmHero Sat Sep 01, 2012 6:29 am

    Everytime I make a non glitched toon I just forget about that sword. The base primary weapon is perfect till gargoyles. When I arrive at Andre I just farm or coop for souls to upgrade it to +5. That one is good enough till Gaping Dragon. Then I go to Vamos to upgrade it to fire before going to Blighttown. If I'm fighting Quelaag I buff the +5 with lightning resin. Before going to Sens I upgrade the weapon to +10 with the large shards from Blighttown.

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    Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword! Empty Re: Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword!

    Post by Silverfox81 Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:06 am

    Thanks for the replies people, I'll give the Claymore a bash.

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    Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword! Empty Re: Took the easy way and used the Drake Sword!

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