by Tolvo Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:24 pm
Yeah I'd say it's pretty on topic, I think we also need to remember how we are treating other people depending on who they are and their experience. A new player without any understanding of the game becomes a human, gets killed by griefers. A common experience for new players that gives them zero chance of winning, they learn nothing other than that they can't play online without dying easily, and it ends up costing them resources. From the perspective of the invader, they're just having fun and playing the game as intended. When we get down too far there is no such thing as wrong, and chaos ensues. I think we need to find a nice balance and voice ourselves better. If I'm fatrolling in stone armor with a stone knight sword with a stone greatshield to cosplay, when you invade flipping with a DMB Washing Pole swinging, then rolling away meaning I have no chance of a victory if we are evenly skilled was the DMB even necessary? To me it seems like the person didn't even wish to fight me and was just trying to get me out of the way for their next fight. I won't message them saying, "DMB? Psshh, what a nub." But all the same I might ask them why they felt the need for the DMB. When it gets to players dueling both with great gear the lines blur a bit more. But the idea of overkill can often be one that really harms other people. It gives them a feeling of being powerless and as the term describes its very unnecessary. How do we know what is overkill though is the issue.