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2 posters

    Trading ANY Weapon + 20 Humanity for Max Uograded Lightning, Divine, Chaos, and Occult Weapons a piece (SL 163 on PS3): RESOLVED


    Posts : 2
    Reputation : 0
    Join date : 2012-09-01

    Trading ANY Weapon + 20 Humanity for Max Uograded Lightning, Divine, Chaos, and Occult Weapons a piece (SL 163 on PS3): RESOLVED Empty Trading ANY Weapon + 20 Humanity for Max Uograded Lightning, Divine, Chaos, and Occult Weapons a piece (SL 163 on PS3): RESOLVED

    Post by Kipikipo Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:49 am

    So now that I've aquired the hardest trophy on this game, Knight's Honor, legitimately, I'm... well, I have to step back and take a breather. Frankly I could easily get the three slabs I currently need, but the frustration has finally gotten to me. XP

    So... yeah, this is me shamefully giving up and asking for help on the last four trophies I need. I'll trade any weapon, including my main since I'll probably delete this character anyways. Heck, for that reason alone, I'll likely also give you whatever armor sets I have, dragon scales, etc. owo;;

    Oh right, you'll need my PSN, won't you? 'Tis "Kipikipo-". Yes, the hyphen included.

    Last edited by Kipikipo on Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Resolved)

    Posts : 48
    Reputation : 8
    Join date : 2012-07-22

    Trading ANY Weapon + 20 Humanity for Max Uograded Lightning, Divine, Chaos, and Occult Weapons a piece (SL 163 on PS3): RESOLVED Empty Re: Trading ANY Weapon + 20 Humanity for Max Uograded Lightning, Divine, Chaos, and Occult Weapons a piece (SL 163 on PS3): RESOLVED

    Post by kings1990 Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:04 am

    what slabs do you need i can happily trade you them

    message me on PSN kings-R

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:13 am