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    More "the Flame is the Sun" stuff


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    More "the Flame is the Sun" stuff Empty More "the Flame is the Sun" stuff

    Post by JohnnyHarpoon Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:10 pm

    I know people have been talking about this lately, and not everyone believes it, but I think the 'First Flame' is definitely the Sun. Obviously, it's fun to come up with theories and such, draw a relation between reality (how the Sun is the source of all life, at least given the positioning of our planet, and how the 'Flame' is the source of DkS life), but I think Gwynevere actually says something really really interesting that definitely nods to the Flame being the Sun.

    You have to be in her covenant, so you could just say she's talking about herself as the 'Queen of Sunlight', but when you go to leave while in her covenant, she says,

    "Now thou shall go forth, chosen Undead. May thou be one with the sunlight for evermore."

    So, then go on and think about the 'Link the Fire' ending. Whattya say? happy

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    More "the Flame is the Sun" stuff Empty Re: More "the Flame is the Sun" stuff

    Post by zarzelius Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:03 pm

    Not sure , im actually new to the game(i got it for pc and currently on my NG+).

    I dont think the sun we see is the "real"sun we have IRL.The lord of cinder is said to go and try to put up the flame only to change his mind and kindle it linking the bonfires and thus remaining as a ghost till some1 challenge him.So then the flame was there before , but we arent sure who created the bonfires and lit the flame the 1st time.We are in some kind of "realm" where much like the painted world, is in some sort of stasis if you know what i mean.

    So im sorry to disagree with you on the flame being the sun, i dont think there is any sun to begin with XD
    Altho i am interested in knowing what the 1st flame is , where is it , or who lit the 1st fires.

    Correct me if im wrong about anything please since as i said already, im kinda new here XD

    And if the 1st flame IS the sun, is no longer on as we know when we
    know when we kill big boobs illusion XD so i think the 1st flame is the one in the final boss room.

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    More "the Flame is the Sun" stuff Empty Re: More "the Flame is the Sun" stuff

    Post by Shkar Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:44 pm

    zarzelius wrote:Not sure , im actually new to the game(i got it for pc and currently on my NG+).

    I dont think the sun we see is the "real"sun we have IRL.The lord of cinder is said to go and try to put up the flame only to change his mind and kindle it linking the bonfires and thus remaining as a ghost till some1 challenge him.So then the flame was there before , but we arent sure who created the bonfires and lit the flame the 1st time.We are in some kind of "realm" where much like the painted world, is in some sort of stasis if you know what i mean.

    So im sorry to disagree with you on the flame being the sun, i dont think there is any sun to begin with XD
    Altho i am interested in knowing what the 1st flame is , where is it , or who lit the 1st fires.

    Correct me if im wrong about anything please since as i said already, im kinda new here XD

    And if the 1st flame IS the sun, is no longer on as we know when we
    know when we kill big boobs illusion XD so i think the 1st flame is the one in the final boss room.

    As much as I am glad that my theory is being discussed, I must point out that there is NEVER a mention a "first" flame in the game. It just says "Then there was fire." Not A fire, but FIRE. As in, all of it, as a whole.

    That said, it still makes sense to me that the sun was the "first flame", but I don't think it's a SPECIAL flame. It was just the first example of fire that then "grew". Which, interestingly enough, could make the undead curse a sort of "defense mechanism" for the flame. It started dying, so it made the undead start kindling it and such to try to keep it going.

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    More "the Flame is the Sun" stuff Empty Re: More "the Flame is the Sun" stuff

    Post by JohnnyHarpoon Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:04 pm

    I know it doesn't say anything about a first fire in the intro story, but if the 'Kiln of the First Flame' is, in fact, the location of the first flame, then I still believe the first flame to have been the Sun, regardless of the specific wording of the intro story.

    It's like the transitive property - if fire spurned life, and the first fire was the Sun, then the Sun spurned life.

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    Location : the land of the livid dead

    More "the Flame is the Sun" stuff Empty Re: More "the Flame is the Sun" stuff

    Post by samster628 Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:33 pm


    IE The first flame is not the sun shkar

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