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Back Lot Basher
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    What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings?


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    What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings?

    Post by oregonav8r Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:51 pm

    I took them on earlier today at level 52. Had one phantom to help me, he died about halfway through and I was able to hold off long enough to finish the rest of them off.

    I know, I'm not hardcore enough to attempt level 1 playthroughs yet. big grin

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    What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings?

    Post by callipygias Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:04 pm

    You might be more ready than you think. That's pretty good to be able to finish them off when your phantom dies, considering the huge jump in HP the Kings get when you have a phantom with you.

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    What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings?

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:36 pm

    I would say fast roll is VERY important for a low level run, even if you have good armor you don't have the HP to tank hits. something like that is really good for a low level run, its actually a lot easier then you would expect. Especially with elemental weapons.
    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:13 am

    FruitPunchNinja wrote:I would say fast roll is VERY important for a low level run, even if you have good armor you don't have the HP to tank hits. something like that is really good for a low level run, its actually a lot easier then you would expect. Especially with elemental weapons.

    Thanks for the link. I actually just started another one with the Hunter. I have the Heater, and I've been trying the dagger and the Estoc. The weapons you have on your build, are those the ones that you find work best?

    I'm actually still amazed at how people can do this. A post in one of these threads was from someone who said they took a level 6 character through NG+++++++. I honestly can't imagine how they do it. A lot of dodging I guess. I have a level 18 cleric with a high level pyro flame as well, and I was still getting wrecked by O&S on NG.

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    What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings?

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:53 am

    Well that build was more of an example of what will be good once DWGR is nerfed. With that ring you have a lot more freedom, it also makes it a lot easier to dodge(in my opinion). Weapons are personal preference, but you are pretty limited to what you can use.
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    What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:24 pm

    What is the nerf going to be for the DWGR?

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    What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings?

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:39 pm

    as of now on consoles it allows you to flip at 50% equip weight, after the nerf it will go down to 25%. To have the normal fast roll you need to be at 25%, so it makes a lot of sense. Basically as it is now it acts as havels, and it gives you a better version of the fast roll(further roll distance,more invincibility frames)
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    What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings?

    Post by Serious_Much Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:40 pm

    20 on NG.. still yet to do an sl1 playthrough
    Back Lot Basher
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    What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:31 pm

    FruitPunchNinja wrote:as of now on consoles it allows you to flip at 50% equip weight, after the nerf it will go down to 25%. To have the normal fast roll you need to be at 25%, so it makes a lot of sense. Basically as it is now it acts as havels, and it gives you a better version of the fast roll(further roll distance,more invincibility frames)

    Oh, so you mean I won't get the pleasure of seeing people do backflips in Havel's armor....? Such a tragedy...

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    What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's the lowest level you've ever been when taking on the Kings?

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