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    Is this the first ever attempt at a user covenant?

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    Is this the first ever attempt at a user covenant? Empty Is this the first ever attempt at a user covenant?

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:48 pm

    Hehe, i think i found it. From a pal some of you from the old forums may remember Striks, who also set up the original incarnation of the first user covenant, Airglow, or nightwatch as it is now kinda known.

    Take a look at this, it didn't get far but a least he tried, it sounded kinda cool too, a sif cov.. what kinda armour you reckon they'd use?

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    Is this the first ever attempt at a user covenant? Empty Re: Is this the first ever attempt at a user covenant?

    Post by Boogerwood Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:55 am

    How about the Fat Bastards covenant? Havel and Smough builds. I was thrilled the first time I saw Smough. I thought, "finally! a set of armor in my size."
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    Is this the first ever attempt at a user covenant? Empty Re: Is this the first ever attempt at a user covenant?

    Post by cloudyeki Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:34 am

    Every victory for the fatbastards: Message the defeated "GET IN MA BELLEH!"

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    Is this the first ever attempt at a user covenant? Empty Re: Is this the first ever attempt at a user covenant?

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