Here is the video I have of the test run and I explain specifically what I'm looking for and trying to give you a taste of my ideas. If you watch it and have any thoughts, be sure to drop a comment here or on the video page so that others can thumb it up if they agree. Also make sure you thumbs up any other ideas already posted that you like. Once I get an idea of what people would like to see me do, I'll start the playthrough and post videos as I go.
*Updated Info*
Ok so I'll keep track of some of the decided details in this post and will update as needed. There is a lot of differing opinions on certain aspects, but I'm starting to see quite a few agreements as well. Obviously not everyone is going to get exactly what they're asking for, but hopefully I can incorporate enough to make everyone satisfied.
- Calamity Ring always worn from the start (pretty much guaranteed)
- Keep vitality at base (I think this is the best option to keep it dangerous and interesting to watch)
- Allowed to increase weapon stats and endurance (basically enough str to wield my chosen weapons and then dex for scaling, or vice versa. Will probably limit end just enough to wield my chosen gear and keep fast roll).
- No elemental weapons, standard upgrades only. Also no twinkling weapon upgrades, only plain. (Meaning no BK or other special types of weapons that tend to be OP, however I've already decided I will make a divine weapon solely for the Nito fight).
- No HUD (still undecided, not against the idea but it might make certain other options harder to achieve)
- No offensive magic, though a few utility spells are ok in order to use them in interesting ways.
- No red tearstone or power within. With my health already so low and use of the Calamity ring, there really is no negatives to staying in hyper mode so it makes the game easier.
- All bosses killed AND apparently I need to taunt them during the battle just for sh*ts and giggles. This seems to be a popular one
- No master key (Totally agree here)
- *No estus upgrades or kindling (simple one I had forgotten)
Now I still need to figure out my overall weapon choices and this is where I'm seeing a huge diversity in ideas. Some want me to use a whip, though that means no backstabs or parries which kind of sucks. Others want me to use a big hulking weapon that no one usually uses, and I'm ok with the idea but it just means I'll be one shotting most things and isn't much different than me lugging around a BK halberd honestly. I still need more input.
What I'm considering overall is creating sort of an assassin/swordsman/thief style character that uses leather armor and dex weapons. Daggers, katanas, shortsword, bow, throwing knives, poison arrows, etc.. If I go this route I'd choose the Iaito for the awesome moveset and one thing I'd attempt to do is finish off every boss with the super stylish 2h R2 attack. This is where the no HUD becomes an issue for keeping track of all my items and not knowing when to make my final strike.
Also if I go that route then my first goal would be to get the Iaito from the beginning which isn't going to be easy. Before killing any boss, I'd basically have to reach the top of Blighttown without the master key and makes for an interesting trip.
* Another idea I'll run by you guys. I already have the ability to get the calamity ring from the start(can't discuss the details on this forum), so what would you feel about giving myself the set of armor I plan on using? Part of the challenge will be getting my weapons, though armor is going to be more for style purposes as anything light enough to fast roll in with limited endurance isn't going to stop me from dying regardless. Since part of the playthough is going to be about the style of my character I was thinking it might be a good idea to dress them in character from the beginning and then just have to upgrade as I go along instead of not getting the cooler looking armor till late in the game. This really isn't a biggie, just an idea for simplicity.
I'll update again when I have some more input guys.
Last edited by vageta31 on Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:46 pm; edited 2 times in total