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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.


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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by vageta31 Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:20 am

    Hey guys, I'm working on a new challenge playthough that uses the Calamity Ring from the new content and I need some input. Other than the mention of the ring, there won't be any spoilers in this post so rest easy. Basically I'm looking to run through the game one more time on video and instead of choosing the ruleset myself, I've decided to let my subscribers and anyone else in the community that is interested, choose my rules. It isn't just about the challenge, it's about me wanting to do a full run of the game as sort of my definitive playthough, using all the tricks, tactics, methods and knowledge I've amassed. I'm trying to focus more on the entertainment value than just the pure challenge or education of others so bear that in mind.

    Here is the video I have of the test run and I explain specifically what I'm looking for and trying to give you a taste of my ideas. If you watch it and have any thoughts, be sure to drop a comment here or on the video page so that others can thumb it up if they agree. Also make sure you thumbs up any other ideas already posted that you like. Once I get an idea of what people would like to see me do, I'll start the playthrough and post videos as I go.


    *Updated Info*

    Ok so I'll keep track of some of the decided details in this post and will update as needed. There is a lot of differing opinions on certain aspects, but I'm starting to see quite a few agreements as well. Obviously not everyone is going to get exactly what they're asking for, but hopefully I can incorporate enough to make everyone satisfied.

    - Calamity Ring always worn from the start (pretty much guaranteed)

    - Keep vitality at base (I think this is the best option to keep it dangerous and interesting to watch)

    - Allowed to increase weapon stats and endurance (basically enough str to wield my chosen weapons and then dex for scaling, or vice versa. Will probably limit end just enough to wield my chosen gear and keep fast roll).

    - No elemental weapons, standard upgrades only. Also no twinkling weapon upgrades, only plain. (Meaning no BK or other special types of weapons that tend to be OP, however I've already decided I will make a divine weapon solely for the Nito fight).

    - No HUD (still undecided, not against the idea but it might make certain other options harder to achieve)

    - No offensive magic, though a few utility spells are ok in order to use them in interesting ways.

    - No red tearstone or power within. With my health already so low and use of the Calamity ring, there really is no negatives to staying in hyper mode so it makes the game easier.

    - All bosses killed AND apparently I need to taunt them during the battle just for sh*ts and giggles. This seems to be a popular one happy

    - No master key (Totally agree here)

    - *No estus upgrades or kindling (simple one I had forgotten)

    Now I still need to figure out my overall weapon choices and this is where I'm seeing a huge diversity in ideas. Some want me to use a whip, though that means no backstabs or parries which kind of sucks. Others want me to use a big hulking weapon that no one usually uses, and I'm ok with the idea but it just means I'll be one shotting most things and isn't much different than me lugging around a BK halberd honestly. I still need more input.

    What I'm considering overall is creating sort of an assassin/swordsman/thief style character that uses leather armor and dex weapons. Daggers, katanas, shortsword, bow, throwing knives, poison arrows, etc.. If I go this route I'd choose the Iaito for the awesome moveset and one thing I'd attempt to do is finish off every boss with the super stylish 2h R2 attack. This is where the no HUD becomes an issue for keeping track of all my items and not knowing when to make my final strike.

    Also if I go that route then my first goal would be to get the Iaito from the beginning which isn't going to be easy. Before killing any boss, I'd basically have to reach the top of Blighttown without the master key and makes for an interesting trip.

    * Another idea I'll run by you guys. I already have the ability to get the calamity ring from the start(can't discuss the details on this forum), so what would you feel about giving myself the set of armor I plan on using? Part of the challenge will be getting my weapons, though armor is going to be more for style purposes as anything light enough to fast roll in with limited endurance isn't going to stop me from dying regardless. Since part of the playthough is going to be about the style of my character I was thinking it might be a good idea to dress them in character from the beginning and then just have to upgrade as I go along instead of not getting the cooler looking armor till late in the game. This really isn't a biggie, just an idea for simplicity.

    I'll update again when I have some more input guys.

    Last edited by vageta31 on Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:46 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by vixder/pennywise Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:00 am

    Can´t watch the video in germany due to copyrighted music :/
    But I would like to, since I´m through with all the ENB stuff and I liked your "before-garg.-run" a lot.

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by Solaire_of_Astora Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:12 am

    The top rated comment on that video says this: "Calamity ring always on. No master key. No leveling vitality, everything else is fair game. You must taunt every boss because YOU are the biggest boss in Lordran (taunt at least mid fight to increase humiliation factor). Fight every boss, collect all embers, and survive all NPC invasions. No summons. If you level up Strength and Dex a lot then no Hyper mode as it makes the calamity ring pointless. NG+ would be more entertaining. You've shown us you can handle NG challenges many times over."

    Something along those lines would be fantastic. Also, commentary is a huge plus for me. I'm sure it is for many others as well.
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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by Anonymous Proxy Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:24 am

    Vageta! I have good news and bad news...

    Bad news is, you're going to get owned a LOT.

    Good news is... we're going to Dairy Queen!


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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by callipygias Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:29 am

    Should be NG+. At the very least, it should be NG+.

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:23 pm

    Nice, heard someone mention on gamefaqs you were doing this. I like the ideas for rules you mentioned, i agree that sometimes limiting too much can make it more challenging but i can see why people wouldn't really want to watch it. I vote for no lvling Vit or End, anything else is ok. Then maybe no offensive spells. I would say no elemental weapons, but if you are able to lvl up str and dex i doubt you would use them often anyways.

    I like the taunt every boss rule, now that i read that.

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by Seenblack Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:17 pm

    I'm still curious as to how you got the Calamity Ring from the start. Is taking the Tiny Being's Ring as a gift from the start a Trap?? FromSoft are evil Masterminds ._.

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by Pesth Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:18 pm

    Calamity ring + dusk ring + cursed all the time
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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by Anonymous Proxy Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:18 pm

    I don't really like the whole idea of "No Leveling". Mainly because I like sort of epic throw down with bosses. Contrary to popular belief, I do not like seeing a character doing 46 damage to a high end boss. I rather see them doing actual "tier" damage. Like normal damage on Quelaag should be 150-200 with 350 on r2. Stuff like that.

    The rule set I would have in mind is:

    (As above some stolen)

    -No Vit
    -No Attunement
    -End capped at 25
    -Choose Str or Dex
    -Int at 15
    -Faith at 18

    Not like having them required to 18, but just if you level them, cap them there. 18 for Homeward on Faith, lol.

    I also don't think the RTSR should be used, as you're going to get one shot by many bosses anyway if you keep your vit low.

    Weapon Restrictions:

    No BK Weapons as they make all content smooth sailing. (I'll be okay with the BK Shield, since it is decent, just not on Gwyn. Because it makes that fight trivial )

    Sorceries are already limited, Faith is limited. No Dragon Weapons, including the Obsidian Greatsword.

    Good ole Steel +15s!

    Also, moar commentary with some music.

    There. An actual response. xD

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by Seenblack Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:24 pm

    Anonymous Proxy wrote:I don't really like the whole idea of "No Leveling". Mainly because I like sort of epic throw down with bosses. Contrary to popular belief, I do not like seeing a character doing 46 damage to a high end boss. I rather see them doing actual "tier" damage. Like normal damage on Quelaag should be 150-200 with 350 on r2. Stuff like that.

    The rule set I would have in mind is:

    (As above some stolen)

    -No Vit
    -No Attunement
    -End capped at 25
    -Choose Str or Dex
    -Int at 15
    -Faith at 18

    Not like having them required to 18, but just if you level them, cap them there. 18 for Homeward on Faith, lol.

    I also don't think the RTSR should be used, as you're going to get one shot by many bosses anyway if you keep your vit low.

    Weapon Restrictions:

    No BK Weapons as they make all content smooth sailing. (I'll be okay with the BK Shield, since it is decent, just not on Gwyn. Because it makes that fight trivial )

    Sorceries are already limited, Faith is limited. No Dragon Weapons, including the Obsidian Greatsword.

    Good ole Steel +15s!

    Also, moar commentary with some music.

    There. An actual response. xD
    Since I was still stunned at Calamity ring trap I'll just give you a +1 for saying what I was thinking XD

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by Revoltage Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:47 pm

    I agree with the guy who said to taunt every boss mid-fight. It would be pretty awesome! happy

    I vote no leveling vit, no offensive sorceries/miracles, no elemental weapons.

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by vageta31 Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:50 pm

    -Sorry about the Germany thing, it seems to be either the Tool or Perfect Circle causing it.

    -The problem with not leveling END is I won't be able to even wear a full set of armor with a decent weapon without losing fast roll, not to mention depending on the weapon I may only get to swing it once. I know mid/fat roll sounds fun.. but an entire playthough of it would get old very fast.

    -I wasn't even considering offensive magic, it was more of the utility stuff being considered.

    -I'm trying to find a balance of music and commentary. This would be a somewhat long playthrough and it's difficult to talk about the game for that long like Epic can. I can talk someone's ear off with certain subjects, but I've already covered quite a bit about the game that I don't want to just continually repeat.

    So about NG+... Here is my problem with it. The first half of the game is too easy because you start out at full power, the second half of the game is "usually" a bit more difficult due to the greater damage output of enemies and they have more health. However, with a run like this where I'm already pretty much getting 1 or 2 shotted it completely negates that problem in NG+. Therefore it really only boils down to mobs having more health which can be completely emulated on NG by just limiting my weapons. For instance, if an enemy has 500 health in NG and 1000 health in NG+, then I can effectively mimic that by simply cutting my weapon AR in half and calling it a day. Enemy AI doesn't change, it's just the health/damage numbers.

    The big difference is that the first half of NG is always tougher because you have to go through the process of obtaining gear, upgrading it, leveling up yourself, etc.. which is why I always balance my rules around this fact. In NG+ you don't go through this so the first half is generally a joke. I think most people enjoy seeing the character growth part as they're interested in the path others take in the game and taking out bosses in a much weaker state. In NG+ it would basically be one long boss run without ever bothering to pick up gear, embers, etc.. I'm not saying I won't do it, only that I'm not sure everyone bringing it up realizes how much it will actually change the playthrough.

    One time I tried to start NG+ as if it were NG. After beating Gwyn I dropped my gear and equipped my basic starting gear for my class so I restarted in NG+ with only that. It was ridiculously difficult, more than I had imagined. Staying alive in general wasn't too bad, but killing things in NG+ with unupgraded weapons was painful to say the least.

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by Doelker Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:00 pm

    Thumbs up for Mid-fight taunts to Bosses...
    It has to be NG+
    Base Vit
    End capped at 25
    No RoFP
    No Tiny Being Ring
    No Havel's Ring
    No DWGR
    Like others said No Elemental Weapons, No BK Weapons, no Boss Weapons, just +15 or Raw.
    No Int.
    Faith at 12 for Healing (if u want)
    No Kindling
    Play as Human (Offline or Online)
    Str and Dex as you like
    Most important No new areas allowed ( this is to prevent spoilers to people ho hasn't played the PC version, and I know you are a pro and won't spoil nobody's)

    Last but not least: I love your videos man, please, let's us know when the first one is ready. Don't forget the Commentries... I wan to hear (Tai)-tanite once more.

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by Doelker Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:08 pm

    When you talk about NG, then I guess you are going to do this playthrough on console... Right?
    Since they removed the Bb glitch on PC and after I read your post I figured that.

    If that is the case you can scratch the NG+ part and the New areas part as well. I said no new areas allowed thinking you were going to do this playthrough on the PTDE.

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by Krasouski Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:26 pm

    Dont limit your levels too much

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by callipygias Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:34 pm

    V, if it's NG you're doing and you really expect a challenge, it'll have to be base everything + Calamity Ring. Even then there will only be a couple bosses that might give you some trouble.

    If it's just to entertain the troops then maybe you don't want to bother with that though.

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by vageta31 Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:59 pm

    callipygias wrote:V, if it's NG you're doing and you really expect a challenge, it'll have to be base everything + Calamity Ring. Even then there will only be a couple bosses that might give you some trouble.

    If it's just to entertain the troops then maybe you don't want to bother with that though.

    It's more for entertainment which is why I'm asking for input of what others actually "want" to see. Challenge wise I've already proven everything I need to myself with this game, so other than ridiculous limits put in place I doubt there isn't much I couldn't pull off if I put my mind to it.

    In all honesty, NG+ isn't so tough for most veterans either due to what I stated before. Early bosses with more hit points are still ridiculously easy. Combine that with a fully upgraded character, even if he's low sl, it's easier than the NG versions. It only really gets difficult after Anor Londo, and even then most of the Lords aren't hard to kill. BoC is gimmicky no matter what game you're int. Nito is cake either way. Seath is easy as well leaving 4 Kings.. which of all bosses in this game I know like the back of my hand.

    My biggest concern is flying through the first half overpowered and skipping the entire growth of my character. I guess in a way it'd expedite the playthrough, but my gut tells me people want to see me start out with nothing and gain everything while I play.
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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:03 pm

    calamity ring plus mimic head, no other restrictions beside the mid fight taunt

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by vageta31 Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:11 pm

    Doelker wrote:@Vageta:
    When you talk about NG, then I guess you are going to do this playthrough on console... Right?
    Since they removed the Bb glitch on PC and after I read your post I figured that.

    If that is the case you can scratch the NG+ part and the New areas part as well. I said no new areas allowed thinking you were going to do this playthrough on the PTDE.

    It is planned for the PC version, I just found a way to give myself the ring from the start instead of waiting till halfway through the game.
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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by Tolvo Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:11 pm

    When you enter the depths, get maximum curse upon you. silly Keep it the whole run.

    Wear Crown of Dusk Ring.

    Essentially, try to get to 1hp Max.

    Also you can never go wrong with an egg head.

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by callipygias Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:21 pm

    vageta31 wrote:4 Kings.. which of all bosses in this game I know like the back of my hand.
    That's what I thought when I began my sl 6 infinity run.

    People make it sound like the difference between + challenges and NG challenges with artificial limitations are negligible, and the reasoning is fine, but it just doesn't work out that way. Like, technically you may fight the Kings in NG+++++++ the same as in NG, so if you just limit your attack or lower your hp or whatever, it's the same fight, but it isn't. It isn't even in the same universe. I understand the reasoning, but it's just not true.

    After 1,000 hours or so, NG challenges don't really exist, imo (unless it's something ridiculous like bare fists vs. 4 Kings). But then again, your video is more for entertainment than challenge, so I guess the above is more to address the feeling like there aren't any challenges left for you.

    By the way, your vids helped inspire me to start doing challenges, so thanks. (There were times with my Infinity 6 guy that I would've cursed you though, but the satisfaction after making it was worth it.)

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by Krasouski Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:36 pm

    Consider using egg-head,would be cool

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by callipygias Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:41 pm

    I f-ing hate egg head. If one summons me I crystal out. I'll message an explanation, but I won't stay. Too gross.
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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by Tolvo Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:45 pm

    Somehow kill Gwyn with the worm attack! Find a way!

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    Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input. Empty Re: Calamity Ring Challenge Playthough video. Need some input.

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:02 pm

    Although some of those things aren't impossible, they would end up just being annoying rather then entertaining. No matter how good you are there's going to be moments where a mob just barely nicks you, or you get a partial parry or something. You don't want to be killed EVERY time that happens, that ends up just being tedious and boring. Plus then the most logical way to go about things would usually be to just find away around them, or use some cheesing method.

    I agree with the no VIT or offensive spells, i do think you should at least consider capping end at 20 or something. I understand not wanting to be super limiting with what you can use or wear, but having low end is half the challenge in my opinion. Honestly as long as most bosses and large mobs 1-2shot you and you taunt every boss, it will be a cool playthrough.

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