On the description of the Great lighting spear it states that it is the weapon of the God of War and, he inherited the sunlight if Lord Gwyn, not only is this evidence that the firstborn is the god of war but to inherit something in most cases the former owner must pass away. Now as we know Lord Gwyn in undead so it might mean that the god of war inherited Gwyn's sunlight after he went holow. This is strange in my opinion because if Gwyn was hollow then how did he pass on his sunlight(which I think refers to Gwyn's power or part of his lord soul; and which is another conection to the god of war being the firstborn as its said that Gwyn gave part of his souls to his children) to the god of war. Or maybe he passed it on before he went to link th flame knowing what would happen. Another reason why I think this is strange is because that would mean that the god of war only recieved his power after Gwyn linked the flame, but what use it that? Unless he had emense power before he recieved Gwyn's sunlight and so that adding on to his power making his downfall all the worse - again assuming the firstborn is the god of war, but that also means the firstborn still had his staus of God after Gwyn linked the flame.
Opinions please : )
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