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    Question about Firstborn and Gwyn - timeline

    Peaceful Wollyhop
    Peaceful Wollyhop

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    Question about Firstborn and Gwyn - timeline Empty Question about Firstborn and Gwyn - timeline

    Post by Peaceful Wollyhop Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:21 pm

    On the description of the Great lighting spear it states that it is the weapon of the God of War and, he inherited the sunlight if Lord Gwyn, not only is this evidence that the firstborn is the god of war but to inherit something in most cases the former owner must pass away. Now as we know Lord Gwyn in undead so it might mean that the god of war inherited Gwyn's sunlight after he went holow. This is strange in my opinion because if Gwyn was hollow then how did he pass on his sunlight(which I think refers to Gwyn's power or part of his lord soul; and which is another conection to the god of war being the firstborn as its said that Gwyn gave part of his souls to his children) to the god of war. Or maybe he passed it on before he went to link th flame knowing what would happen. Another reason why I think this is strange is because that would mean that the god of war only recieved his power after Gwyn linked the flame, but what use it that? Unless he had emense power before he recieved Gwyn's sunlight and so that adding on to his power making his downfall all the worse - again assuming the firstborn is the god of war, but that also means the firstborn still had his staus of God after Gwyn linked the flame.

    Opinions please : )

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    Question about Firstborn and Gwyn - timeline Empty Re: Question about Firstborn and Gwyn - timeline

    Post by Derpwraith Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:16 pm

    Do you have any idea what 'inherit' means? He's gwyns firstborn son, he was born with the power of sunlight.
    Peaceful Wollyhop
    Peaceful Wollyhop

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    Question about Firstborn and Gwyn - timeline Empty Re: Question about Firstborn and Gwyn - timeline

    Post by Peaceful Wollyhop Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:43 pm

    Inherit noramly means by death, by if you mean inherit as physical like by blood then I suspose that screws everything I said : P

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    Question about Firstborn and Gwyn - timeline Empty Re: Question about Firstborn and Gwyn - timeline

    Post by menzinho Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:08 pm

    Gwyn shared his soul between his servants before leaving to link the flame, we can see that in Seath's lord soul, the Four Kings lord soul and Ornstein and Smoughs, literally he broke it into several pieces, kept a big one for himself, gave the most powerful to his son and the rest to the others and departed only with his clothes and sword (and half his army, because dying alone is sad) so we can assume Gwyn's linking of the flame resulted in his death

    Also i think it's not correct to call Gwyn's current state "hollow", since hollow applies to a human that lost his humanity, and Gwyn was neither, so he's something else, but not hollow, he's a shell, the fires burned everything and left a friggin mindless zombie, whose only purpose is to halt the end of the age of fire, and all who enter his grave are there to usher the dark (would be the god's equivalent to hollow, but still it seems like it is something else)

    So Gwyn did not use his full powers to link the flame, most of it was left intact, inside his closest followers, and that is why Frampt asks you to retrieve them all (gotta catch 'em all!) so the age of fire can last for more than a 1000 years, since now you, the chosen undead is using all the power you gathered to link it

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    Question about Firstborn and Gwyn - timeline Empty Re: Question about Firstborn and Gwyn - timeline

    Post by TheLolrider Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:42 pm

    I always thought that the Firstborn was exiled before Gwyn linked the flame a second time. By any stretch of the imagination, the God of War was extremely powerful, so unless it was a self imposed exile, someone stronger would have to have beaten him.

    Since the game claims the GoW was "stripped of his power" I don't think he gave it up willingly. It was taken from him. This would probably make more sense if you consider traditional structures of monarchy. Normally, the firstborn takes the throne, unless the current king works in some way to prevent it.

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