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    Assassins of Vinhiem Poll


    AoV Poll

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    Total Votes: 20
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    Assassins of Vinhiem Poll - Page 2 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinhiem Poll

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:13 pm

    ErrJon6661 wrote:That was the plan. The armor will still be very limited as you won't be able to strap on anything havels and so on.

    to be fair what kind of assassin wears rocks as armour lol!

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    Assassins of Vinhiem Poll - Page 2 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinhiem Poll

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:23 pm

    The kind that get killed. Hahahahahahaha.

    I'm pondering introducing and endurance cap to ensure that certain armors WON'T be used hahahaha.
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    Assassins of Vinhiem Poll - Page 2 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinhiem Poll

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:25 pm

    hmm that's clever idea.. though i'd say if you want that banning havels ring is probably necessary too, and family masks, not that any of our assassins would ever use one silly

    though i'm using a mask... of velka since it makes me look awesome.

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    Assassins of Vinhiem Poll - Page 2 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinhiem Poll

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:49 pm

    The family masks already aren't allowed.

    Its rather petty, but many of the things banned are things I see too much of in pvp hahahahaha. But yes, havels ring may go as well. Though I don't think many assassins use it as of now, and with a low poise limit I don't think any will. Most of the builds seem to be glass cannon or crit hit builds.
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    Assassins of Vinhiem Poll - Page 2 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinhiem Poll

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:04 am

    One of the most attractive aspects of this covenant besides its' general concept that drew me in were the build challenges. I have voted...I usually play low vitality, low poise chars anyway so I only hope that the build challenges are not weakened too much!! I love my spook will be building a trapmaster soon. big grin
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    Assassins of Vinhiem Poll - Page 2 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinhiem Poll

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:16 pm

    ErrJon6661 wrote:@Serious, to clarify a bit these are just things that I am curious about to start off. Idea's I've had for the covenant and I'm wondering what members and outsiders think about it. I'll be paying more attention to people's actual feedback rather than poll results when the rules are being decided.

    Also about the pyro. I've banned GC specifically for its overuse in pvp. You have to remember when I started this covenant I started it as a challenge to myself and I opened that challenge to other members. If the chaos sorcerer was allowed great combustion I can almost guarantee that they will use one spell in most of their assassinations. The goal of each individual faction is to create a unique strategy to eliminate the target. So many players I see use the same strategy and this aims to break that.

    As a bit of a by product I've only allowed the chaos pyromancies for a few reason. First off in order to use them you need much more attunement. The second reason is they leave lava which could be used as a distraction/block so that if you fail at your ambush you could then run, hide and reset.

    To use pyro as a distraction was my first thought for my spook. She's good at ambushing...but when the ambush fails it would be nice to throw something in their way...for a quick get-away. big grin

    GC is too much of a crutch...i say don't allow it happy
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    Post by Serious_Much Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:49 pm

    I get what you're saying ahho, but problem is with the 'crutch' argument is that it can be used for loads of other things.. we could ban pretty much every useful ring on the basis of it being a 'crutch' like havels, wolf, hornet....

    I know we gotta draw the line somewhere, but i'd say there are other things more worthy of dismissing on the basis of being overused or being too much of a crutch, shaping playstyle too much etc. than great combustion. That's obviously just my opinion though.

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    Assassins of Vinhiem Poll - Page 2 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinhiem Poll

    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:11 pm

    A few things real quick guys. Poll results will not directly cause the changes, they will rather influence them and allow fin and I to know what you guys are thinking is best, as opposed to just making changes that we see as best.

    Second as I understand it the community feels that:

    We should ban the wolf ring and allow players to have up to 20 poise from armor

    None of you feel pyromancy should be removed but it looks like most are in favor of removing the pyromancer class and further limiting pyromancy. In case anyone is unclear on this the only class able to use pyromancy at that point would be the trapmaster.

    Lastly it seems most have voted for a raised level cap while keeping elemental weapons. Close second is not changing the cap and removing the weapons.

    Serious has been making a good argument for keeping pyromancies in, mainly GC. If anyone is unhappy with the results make your case. Fin and I will be discussing this in the near future.
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    Assassins of Vinhiem Poll - Page 2 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinhiem Poll

    Post by Serious_Much Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:39 pm

    I'm all for removing the wolf ring and allowing poise to 20, would allow us to bring in some sort of ciaran appeal once the dlc hits, which would probably bring in a few more members i'd say.

    For the GC thing, i'd say perhaps if you wanted to remove GC, waiting for the DLC and then adding in instead the black flame spell instead. It does physical damage only so you can't spam it just through a shield, but as with all dark magic apparently is, is incredible at knocking shields away which can be used to knock people off ledges, follow up with a bs etc. Again though, i get the idea that it could become overused in your playstyle..

    I hope you don't limit pyros to just the mists, i was really looking forward to chaos storming from round corners, nothing sad

    I don't see the need for increasing level cap, but maybe it will expand what we can achieve with our builds and what we can do with our playstyles, but elemental weapons are definitely one to keep in to allow our lower level builds to be able to compete better. winking

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    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:45 pm

    I may very well consider the black flame. I have to wait for the dlc to come out and actually use it myself to test its effects before I can make it official. We were planning on keeping firestorm around along with the mists, imagine small room, toxic mist, firestorm. hahahaha.

    Another issue I just though of is some of the new spells. I haven't played the dlc but some of the new magic is op? If anyone has knowledge let me know haha. I've seen some gnarly videos of the pursuers spell. Ive taken the liberty of adding someof the new armors and weapons to the page already.
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    Assassins of Vinhiem Poll - Page 2 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinhiem Poll

    Post by Serious_Much Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:58 pm

    ErrJon6661 wrote:I may very well consider the black flame. I have to wait for the dlc to come out and actually use it myself to test its effects before I can make it official. We were planning on keeping firestorm around along with the mists, imagine small room, toxic mist, firestorm. hahahaha.

    Another issue I just though of is some of the new spells. I haven't played the dlc but some of the new magic is op? If anyone has knowledge let me know haha. I've seen some gnarly videos of the pursuers spell. Ive taken the liberty of adding someof the new armors and weapons to the page already.

    toxic mist- firestorm is one of my favoured moves in pvp hahaha, loved it on my chaos blade build.

    I've heard that pursuers is a *****, goes right through med shields and one shots you, can't dodge it... you have to run and hide behind stuff lol, it's a nasty piece of work. I haven't heard anything about the other ones though yet..

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    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:59 pm

    I'm guessing no one uses them... hahahahahaha. Just watched a few videos. What the **** hahahahaha.

    how could they do that to us.
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    Post by Serious_Much Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:08 pm

    I know, it's pretty horrendous.. I bet our overly good forum players will find a counter to it sooner or later though

    the shotgun spell looks like it would **** on pretty much every oversized, slow boss on the game.. which is the vast majority of them to be fair silly

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    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:13 pm

    Hahahaha. I'm excited. I'm bringing my velka's rapier build up to sl 200 for the dlc. I figure I'll get it into ng+or ++ so the dlc actually gives me a challenge.
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    Post by Serious_Much Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:20 pm

    I think I'll just do an sl100 build for the dlc, and just do the DLC at level like 45-55 when i place the lordvessel, do it with a plus 10 weapon.. think that will be a better first experience of it rather than the unnatural amount of damage an ng plus boss would do

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    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:23 pm

    I just want to have 40 in most area's so I stand a chance against the tougher bosses but I can use any weapon/spell that I find. The build will actually be like sl 197, but it has 40 vit/end/str/dex and 50 att/int.
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    Post by Serious_Much Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:30 pm

    ah i see, so you wanna be able to test all the new equipment out on your first playthrough? not a bad idea methinks...

    i still wanna play through it as intended though haha

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    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:35 pm

    I'll probably stick with my velka's. Maybe have a shield instead of a second velka's.... hahahahahaha.

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