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    Honest Opinion


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    Honest Opinion Empty Honest Opinion

    Post by Paky93 Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:31 am

    So i've hit the Soul Level 70 today, and i have to say that i fully enjoy my character

    I've been doing co-op and solo plays until now, but recently i decided to taste the pvper side of dark soul by joining the darkmoon covenant.

    And damn, i'm having big troubles.

    I want you guys to tell me what's wrong with my char because he is grat in pve but not that much in pvp.

    SL 70

    20 Vitality
    45 Strenght
    18 Dex
    25 endurance
    12 attunment

    and i didn't touch the rest

    I'm using a +5 black knight greatsword and a full silver knight armor set +5 and dragon crest shield

    then ring of favor and protection and ring of havel (the weight of my equipment is pretty high, so i have to use them both to move fast)

    As i said i one-shot almost every mob in the dungeons by wielding the sword with two hands, and i also can endure a lot of hits

    I mainy go for strong melee attacks and stunlocks. I have 3 slots for pyromancy which i use more as a support, when i want to keep distance between me and the enemy, or when i want to quicly clear a pack of mobs.

    But as for pvp....well, it's not the same.

    Sometimes it's just unluck (3 vs 1 or 2 vs 1) duels, but i have to say that on 12 duel that i made i won only 3.

    Can you guys tell me what's wrong?

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    Honest Opinion Empty Re: Honest Opinion

    Post by reim0027 Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:34 am

    Couple points.

    1. You health is pretty low for SL 70 PvP.
    2. Why the Str of 45? Attack bonus essentially stops at 40.
    3. End of 25 is pretty low.
    4. What spells are you using with the 12 att?

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    Honest Opinion Empty Re: Honest Opinion

    Post by Paky93 Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:36 am

    great chaos fireball and firestorm, but i have almost every pyromancy

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    Honest Opinion Empty Re: Honest Opinion

    Post by Bamjam Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:10 am

    Like Reim says you need more VIT and END. I usualy aim for 40 or 50 points for both depending on my build. But that doesnt mean you cant do pvp with lower VIT and END. Today i started invading the burg with my new DW and i started with 25points in both VIT and END and if im not carefull i get oneshot pretty fast. But i got lucky and killed a guy who gave me 500k souls and thats alot at SL60-70. So i could pump VIT and END some more. But now im at 32VIT/END and still get oneshot by alot of people.

    Also keep in mind that alot of people who you invade have been playing this game for almost a year now and got many many more hours of pvp and experience.

    Just keep trying and eventually you will learn and start to get more kills and the game gets ALOT more fun big grin.

    Good luck to you sir!

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    Honest Opinion Empty Re: Honest Opinion

    Post by Paky93 Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:01 am

    thanks guys for your advice, i'll just stick with dungeon clearing for now, you know i always thought that equipment > stats, but it seems that i'm wrong. well then off to level up!

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    Honest Opinion Empty Re: Honest Opinion

    Post by XuitusTheGreat Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:31 am

    using ur current build I would raise it to 100 like this:

    but imo you should switch out a couple items for this:

    hope this helps happy

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    Honest Opinion Empty Re: Honest Opinion

    Post by Paky93 Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:37 pm

    so i should use zweinhandler instead of black knight greatsword ....mmmm can you explain me why?
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    Honest Opinion Empty Re: Honest Opinion

    Post by Marino. Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:57 pm

    If you just want to PVE then raise your Endurence and Vitality and stick with whatever Weapon you feel comfortable with .Since you have prettx high Strenght try out the Man serpent Greatsword it drops from those Man Serpent Greatsword wielding Man Serpents in Sens Fortress , its powerfull and quite fast !
    However you wont see any light in PVP with that Character

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    Honest Opinion Empty Re: Honest Opinion

    Post by XuitusTheGreat Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:10 am

    Paky93 wrote:so i should use zweinhandler instead of black knight greatsword ....mmmm can you explain me why?

    move set and flexibility, the Zwei can achieve higher att lvls and its move set is more flexible, for instance the 1h R2 is a pretty fast down sword slam that hits hard, as where the black knight ultra great sword has extremely slow R2 attacks that are hard to land

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    Honest Opinion Empty Re: Honest Opinion

    Post by XuitusTheGreat Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:56 am

    guess this is a good example go to 6:50

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