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    Anyone has any idea of how people make mods? I would like to make my own, but I need somewhere to start to learn


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    Location : Eye of Terror

    Anyone has any idea of how people make mods? I would like to make my own, but I need somewhere to start to learn Empty Anyone has any idea of how people make mods? I would like to make my own, but I need somewhere to start to learn

    Post by ChizFreak Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:47 pm

    No I don't have any freaking idea of how the hell do you do that. So, maybe someone knows? In what language is Dark Souls programmed? C# or C++? How do you make mods? Not going in too much detail, just stating what do you need to know and where you should start working.

    I've been learning C# and I think that maybe looking into mods may be a good way of learning more of about programing in general.

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    Anyone has any idea of how people make mods? I would like to make my own, but I need somewhere to start to learn Empty Re: Anyone has any idea of how people make mods? I would like to make my own, but I need somewhere to start to learn

    Post by Siegfried. Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:09 pm

    Unless you're going for minor alterations, it's going to be pretty hard work. I daresay Dark Souls was programmed in C++, though, given that it's the most resource-efficient programming language. What did you have in mind?

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    Anyone has any idea of how people make mods? I would like to make my own, but I need somewhere to start to learn Empty Re: Anyone has any idea of how people make mods? I would like to make my own, but I need somewhere to start to learn

    Post by ChizFreak Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:17 pm

    Siegfried. wrote:Unless you're going for minor alterations, it's going to be pretty hard work. I daresay Dark Souls was programmed in C++, though, given that it's the most resource-efficient programming language. What did you have in mind?

    I'm not sure, I remember I read somewhere that the engine used in Dark Souls was programmed in C#.

    I mainly wanted to make a mod that adds offline summon signs of different NPCs.

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    Anyone has any idea of how people make mods? I would like to make my own, but I need somewhere to start to learn Empty Re: Anyone has any idea of how people make mods? I would like to make my own, but I need somewhere to start to learn

    Post by e82 Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:25 pm

    One thing to keep in mind, is that Dark Souls was not built with modability in mind. It's not like there is a handy set of tools/framework/API to leverage to start changing the game.

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    Anyone has any idea of how people make mods? I would like to make my own, but I need somewhere to start to learn Empty Re: Anyone has any idea of how people make mods? I would like to make my own, but I need somewhere to start to learn

    Post by DNL Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:23 pm

    I really doubt you will be able to make engine changing mods, since the game on PC is just a recompiled version of the xbox version. It's really like an "app" on the apple products, where you can't (or have a really bad) access background files.

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    Anyone has any idea of how people make mods? I would like to make my own, but I need somewhere to start to learn Empty Re: Anyone has any idea of how people make mods? I would like to make my own, but I need somewhere to start to learn

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