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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE


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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by Al1000 Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:49 pm

    befowler wrote:I've had a guy in NG+ wandering around for over 20 hours playtime in hopes of getting GL BPs, still nothing. If anyone has a recommendation for getting GL'd at sl100 I am all ears.

    Oolacile Township would be the best.

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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by Al1000 Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:30 am

    kettpower wrote:interesting, as i already heard about the fact that bp will only appear in our infected world when you are in ng+. anyway it's nice to see someone from the forums confirming it. i read about it in the following article:

    miyazaki mentions it after the "enemies trailer". unfortunately i'm not that into gl myself, but maybe i will do some testing on the pc version one day.

    I know this Miyazaki article where he admitted that BPs can be seen only in NG+ and up. But still, I want to emphazise this article was made more than one month after I've posted in this forum that NG+ is crucial for Gravelord infection with BPs. When I discovered that NG+ is crucial, nobody at that time or just few Gravelord friend enthuziasts believed me. Today this a a common knowlenge and it should be.

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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:28 am

    I joined a gravelord cov. in Oct. I think, and this was not known. Link?

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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by Al1000 Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:58 am

    IV_Mark_VI wrote:I joined a gravelord cov. in Oct. I think, and this was not known. Link?
    Please read OP carefully. Link is date of this thread or YT video upload (22. september 2012). Miyazaki article date is 2. November, 2012. When I opened this thread I also requested a sticky but they didnt do it. With a sticky a lot of people would get an info how Gravelord mechanic works but fortunately other wikidot forum did sticky so information somohow leaked to the right people. This people made an interview with Miyazaki and asked him if NG+ is necessary for BPs and he said yes. Yesterday I did an update for Techniques for getting un-gravelorded and my new video link How successfully infect a host as a white phantom or dark spirit? The main story was published in Sept. 2012.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:59 pm

    I took a break but now Im back on Dks for about 4 weeks now. My girl and I have been cursed , or summoned into a cursed world by randoms, for about 10 times combined. (Sen's , township , depths , forest , royal wood)

    As soon as I have multiple area's infected I want to test a few things.

    1 If im invading or being summoned by another player , do I still need to die within 10 minutes or does the clock freeze when Im not in my own world ? ( I was in someone's world for about 9/10 minutes I believe but Im not sure)

    2 If I keep sitting at a bonfire for more then 10 minutes , does the clock count down ? ( Now Im resting or dying every 10 minutes on that character)

    All in all this is pretty good stuff. I heard that you can experience black world tendency in Demon's if you play offline and set the date to Halloween 09 if Im not mistaken. Ive been wanting that in Dks for so long , now I can finally make it so due to my backup savefile.

    I cursed a friend in the Moonpit once. He switched characters and the BPs were instantly in that character's world too., LOL they were both in the moonpit. Last week I got the popup message ''disasters are gone'' , followed up by BP's spawning right next to me.They weren't there before :pirat: Eods still have a will of their own sometimes I do believe :cyclops:

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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by Al1000 Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:07 pm

    ZikoLogiKa NL wrote:
    1 If im invading or being summoned by another player , do I still need to die within 10 minutes or does the clock freeze when Im not in my own world ? ( I was in someone's world for about 9/10 minutes I believe but Im not sure)
    If you are not in your infected world clock freezes, it counts like you reset at bonfire or die or quit/reload the game.
    ZikoLogiKa NL wrote:
    2 If I keep sitting at a bonfire for more then 10 minutes , does the clock count down ? ( Now Im resting or dying every 10 minutes on that character)

    Yes. If you keep sitting at bonfire clock does count down. If you do that more then 10 minutes BPs disapper.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:10 pm

    Al1000 wrote:
    ZikoLogiKa NL wrote:
    1 If im invading or being summoned by another player , do I still need to die within 10 minutes or does the clock freeze when Im not in my own world ? ( I was in someone's world for about 9/10 minutes I believe but Im not sure)
    If you are not in your infected world clock freezes, it counts like you reset at bonfire or die or quit/reload the game.
    ZikoLogiKa NL wrote:
    2 If I keep sitting at a bonfire for more then 10 minutes , does the clock count down ? ( Now Im resting or dying every 10 minutes on that character)

    Yes. If you keep sitting at bonfire clock does count down. If you do that more then 10 minutes BPs disapper.

    Awesome that's good news

    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 639795459
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:39 am

    I can confirm the presence of BPs is saved in your savefile , so backing it up when cursed ensures you can always go back to being gravelorded

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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by befowler Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:23 pm

    I heard a rumor that it is somehow possible to gravelord yourself. If true, can someone point me to an explanation of this (hopefully not on an earlier page of this thread silly).
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:27 pm

    befowler wrote:I heard a rumor that it is somehow possible to gravelord yourself. If true, can someone point me to an explanation of this (hopefully not on an earlier page of this thread silly).

    Im not sure , but I don't think that is possible. If you want to get cursed yourself you can easily arrange it with a friend though

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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by Al1000 Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:59 am

    befowler wrote:I heard a rumor that it is somehow possible to gravelord yourself. If true, can someone point me to an explanation of this (hopefully not on an earlier page of this thread silly).
    I've never experienced self-gravelording. I'm not even sure if it's possible. But if i speculate a lot self-gravelording might succeed if in your lobby is only one person - you (Gravelord). In this condiotion self-gravelording could work but as I said it's pure speculation without solid proof.

    What I know for sure is that 2 persons can gravelord each other like me and Vega did.

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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by befowler Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:19 pm

    Well, I finally got to see some GL BPs, in an infected world (township) of a guy who summoned me. It was pretty awesome, and helped me understand why certain rooms or parts each level seem kinda empty --- they are waiting for GL BPs. I really wish there were a clamity ring type item that made those phantoms appear as long as you wore it, they really do change the game.

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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by Al1000 Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:28 am

    befowler wrote: It was pretty awesome, and helped me understand why certain rooms or parts each level seem kinda empty --- they are waiting for GL BPs.
    I really like an Oolacile Mage BP on the top of the roof. When you're crossing the bridge mage can bring you down easily with his dark orb.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravelord Mechanics: Method to spawn Black Phantoms - UPDATE

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:12 am

    The Township is right up there with Sen's Fortress as the worst places to be infected with the sneakiest BP placement.

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