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    My Experience with the pc version (Artorias battle Spoilders)


    Posts : 235
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    Join date : 2012-05-03

    My Experience with the pc version (Artorias battle Spoilders) Empty My Experience with the pc version (Artorias battle Spoilders)

    Post by Razielthemanslayer Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:55 am

    A friend has the pc version and I managed him to let me fight artorias.


    No phantoms.

    The build was still in progress and the armor was terrible.

    Ornstein's armor with Silver Knight Gauntlets and Silver Knight Leggins, no helmet.

    Vitality 30
    End: 30
    Strength: 20

    Base int, res and faith.

    Only uchigatana..... needless to say. struggled to even enter the colliseum. when I found Artorias I was like.... oh crap. I didn't even managed to get 200+ damage on him, I was sweating close to swearing, The frigging katana did nothing to him! THE DESPERATION, THE DECEPTION..... "YOU ARE DEAD".

    I could not believe it, I have never struggled SO MUCH for nothing!, my friend didn't even farm enough humanity for kindling or level anything other than the katana. I wanted to bite my finger off so many times. I kept struggling, I was scared, I kept rolling away so much I didn't even attacked, then before I knew I was so far from him that he had plenty of time to buff and kill me, he dodged everyone of my attacks and even when I was able to attack the uchigatana did NOTHING to him.

    I grew tired to dying, so I dispatched the two pyromancies I had available, I thought I would need more movement, so I put on havel's ring which I luckily found in the bottemless box.... but of course, even with that I stayed in mid roll.... so I thought about something... something crazy, but crazy enough to work.... I searched for chester (no idea where he frigging was) and when I finally found him, I chugged the estus and hacked away at him with all my might. then I put on his clothes, FINALLY. FAST ROLL!.

    Please bear with me while I'm about to tell you the experience of my gaming life.

    I rested and prepared mentally for the battle, I was hollowed, and I had lost every soul (much to my friend's rage xD) I had on me because of Artorias, I speedran toward him ignoring every enemy, I managed to only waste 1 drink of estus before the fog there.

    I equipped the cloranthy ring before the fight....

    I entered the battlefield as Artorias launched into the air, it was the battle of battles, dodge after dodge, hit after hit, I don't know how I did it, but I assaulted Artorias with an infinitty of slashes with the uchi everytime I dodged, Artorias would fly up into the air but I would roll out of harm's way then hack away with many slashes, I did an all out assault on Artorias, I was never far from him, in fact I was always just in front of him and the battle raged with the speed of a thunder.

    The first barrage of attacks was over... now Artorias began to buff, I panicked so much I started to slash the devil out of him.... He was just about to finish the buff when it happened.... 4 two handed slashes of the uchigatana could stagger him! the joy in my heart!. I was not afraid anymore, I knew I would just need to keep up until he expired... and so I did, I was compltetely absorbed by the fight, when Artorias gave his final scream. I could not believe I had won!. VICTORY ACHIEVED!.

    And then a bloated sorcerer kicked me off a ledge :S.

    That is my only experience with the dlc and so far I loved it. I can't wait to buy it from the psn store!. but one thing i'm sure.... i'm gonna bring a full army of phantoms into that dreaful oolacile! xD

    Posts : 466
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    Location : Runnemede, NJ

    My Experience with the pc version (Artorias battle Spoilders) Empty Re: My Experience with the pc version (Artorias battle Spoilders)

    Post by ssss_2_is_pwnage Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:22 pm

    Lol gratz man gratz. That fight was so fun my first time, although I had the damage output on my build perfect so I didn't get the full experience sad Damn me and my perfect build creation/management skills. Silver Knight spear stabbed through him like when I eat toast (don't ask questions about that *cough*). That sounds so great though, have fun with the upcoming battles and enemies and ambushes and items and NPCs and DEATHS =D!!! My Experience with the pc version (Artorias battle Spoilders) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTKpO_y8iJxB0gFrdIx0m057MkRTXoBz5hhBVxh6S5cjmjXAldyQRYiHQ

    Posts : 235
    Reputation : 3
    Join date : 2012-05-03

    My Experience with the pc version (Artorias battle Spoilders) Empty Re: My Experience with the pc version (Artorias battle Spoilders)

    Post by Razielthemanslayer Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:35 pm

    ssss_2_is_pwnage wrote:Lol gratz man gratz. That fight was so fun my first time, although I had the damage output on my build perfect so I didn't get the full experience sad Damn me and my perfect build creation/management skills. Silver Knight spear stabbed through him like when I eat toast (don't ask questions about that *cough*). That sounds so great though, have fun with the upcoming battles and enemies and ambushes and items and NPCs and DEATHS =D!!! My Experience with the pc version (Artorias battle Spoilders) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTKpO_y8iJxB0gFrdIx0m057MkRTXoBz5hhBVxh6S5cjmjXAldyQRYiHQ

    Thank you, and definitely!. xD It was a pain, but going a bit under equipped and under level makes a life of diference in how epic it is!. As is said, I can't wait to buy it!

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    My Experience with the pc version (Artorias battle Spoilders) Empty Re: My Experience with the pc version (Artorias battle Spoilders)

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