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Liff Daddy
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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.


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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:52 pm

    I'm invading in the painted world as a Darkmoon, farming some souls to work my high level character up. The build is a bit week considering what I'm usually up against around sl 130. I had been invading in the kiln until I heard the painted world was a bit better. And it has been better for the past 2 days I've been here. Until this morning.

    I logged on about 10, I've been getting constant invasions since. The first 10 or so battles were nice 1v1's. I had about an equal share of wins and losses. I begin invading groups cleaning the level and win a ok share of the 2/3v1's. Then about 1130 things get bad.

    First was a guy who I'd love to share his psn, but I cant. I invade him and we have what I though was a good duel. I end up stunlocking him and killing him. He sends me a hate message calling me a fing noob like everyone else does. He then says the next time I invade him I'm going to die. Well he was right. I invade him, as I'm walking up the stairs he casts TWoP and then spams Combustion until I die, not much I could do but hope I stunlock him again. Problem was he put on full havels between invasions. Over the next hour I invade this guy at least 7 times and he does the same thing. I begin black crystaling out because there's no way I'm going to win this fight. He then sends me some hate mail again calling me chicken. I just avoid him.

    Second was a gravelord. I have no issues with gravelords. What I have issues with is another flipping mask tank using the bkga. To make matters worse I was lagging horribly every time I fought him and was unable to get a parry. I ended up invading through his sign instead of my blue eye stone and killed him with 2 other invaders but the feeling wasn't the same as I spammed emit force while the two greatsword wielding invaders went at it.

    Next was a group of farmers, two guys. I invaded the first time. The host was in the circular room. He bowed and I bowed. Then his buddy came out of nowhere and bsed me, then chain bsed me to death. I invade the second time and cast force from the other side of the door to the room to bring his phantom out of hiding. I then nearly kill the phantom and the host heals him then comes down from his perch to kill me. I pull a pivot bs on this guy because I can and I'm frustrated at this point.

    The next guy was a flipping mask tank. He bowed when I invaded. I bowed and the fight commenced. Turns out he's a pivot bser. He pulls two on me and I die. I invade him again a short time later and its the same story. -________-

    I'm not even going to get into how many times I've gotten the "well what is it" gesture today, or times I was bsed by groups with the bkga.

    I tried hosting a few matches. I got one good fight. Count that. One good fight.

    I then decided I was going to blast through the level. I summon a phantom and I'm on my way. Guy seems competent at first. Until I get invaded. I let him and the invader duke it out for a second. The invader then runs through the level a bit. We chase after him and end up over by the undead dragon. My stupid freaking phantom decides its a good idea to split up here, despite the fact that we both saw exactly where he went. The invader them comes out with his weapon dark moon bladed and 2 shots me through my shield. Phantom then comes up right behind him.

    I've come to the conclusion that the higher in level you go, the worse the pvp gets. I've had my best time in the demon ruins invading at sl 50. since then its been complete and utter crap.

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by lextune Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:14 pm

    Meh....nothing you can do. Every level, and every place, has it's good and bad moments.

    Best times for me have been invading at lv50 in Anor, and lv75 in Demon Ruins

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by Gol Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:19 pm

    I too have invaded in Ariamis as a darkmoon.
    And that was the worst pvp time I never had.

    First was a guy with full smough's armor who was waiting on the bridge, at the spawn point, his strategy was to cast acid surge... you're asking why ?
    Because he's kinda "smart" and knows that every human being has reflexes, and in this situation those reflexes just make you roll backward and fall of the bridge.

    Then I invade him again but I know his tactic so I just hit him with my demon's great machete and he dies.

    Him again, I thought he was gonna do the same, but this time he just spawn killed me with a fire flamberge and even if i escaped the stunlock i would've just died by falling of the bridge.

    Then I got the classic f***** lagstabber, and the flipping tank in giant's armor and the traditional 3v1 with the host that sends his phantoms to fight and then do that gesture : Point Down

    And a guy who surpassed the limits of being a *****, I'll explain :
    The guy waits in the arena area and summons a BP, at the moment you just think "oh cool, he's a host, i'm gonna have some fun" so you enter and there, at that moment a Drak wraith comes out of nowhere and just stab you in the back with hornet's ring.

    These are just some examples...

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by Rynn Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:22 pm

    ...People on the PSN network just suck... that's what I personally gather from this. X-box users rarely do this stuff, the worst I get is the occasional 2vs1...
    Liff Daddy
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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by Liff Daddy Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:27 pm

    I've just started darkmooning in the Painted World.

    2 Duels so far, both hosts were courteous and didn't fight dirty (not that I mind either way, I am invading them after all).

    To go along with Kujii, I haven't seen much of the annoyances with PvP as PSN/SEN users have here on the Xbox.

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:32 pm

    Thats how my first 10 or so today went. The rest well.. you know.

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by strangejoy Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:38 pm

    It's the same thing over and over. The serious, honorable pvp community finds some spot to duel, and then the morons figure out where this is and ruin the fun for everyone. The pvp community will just have to pick it up and move somewhere else. Once that new spot is discovered by the morons, we'll have to move again. It's a shame that some people have nothing better to do with their time than ruin other people's games. I guess painted world has fallen.sad
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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:42 pm

    Some days its not worth getting outa bed. Sleep
    But other days its all golden.
    Pvp is a box of chocolates....

    On bad days i tend to end up in the forest, that way you know what you are in for... And then its extra nice when you meet a good host.

    Edit to say.... Im gonna start hosting warm up fights for fightclub in blighttown shortly. Sl 120ish come along.

    Last edited by Maneater_Mildred on Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by strangejoy Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:45 pm

    Maneater_Mildred wrote:Some days its not worth getting outa bed. Sleep
    But other days its all golden.
    Pvp is a box of chocolates....

    On bad days i tend to end up in the forest, that way you know what you are in for... And then its extra nice when you meet a good host.

    I'm full time forest these days. I've decide that I might as well specialize in fighting campers rather than searching for 1v1 only to get ganked.
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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by Tolvo Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:57 pm

    I usually play as a Forest Hunter, guess how that goes for me. I'm hoping the Sen's Fortress thing does become the norm, I'd love to pvp there until the griefers show up. It would be nice if you could group up and invade, but then people would just be gang invading solo people. Although, can you imagine how great three players invading three farmers would be?

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Feb 11, 2012 7:00 pm

    I don't mind the 2/3v1's. Its part of the game. What I hate is when I invade and the guys are waiting there to farm whatever invaders come in. The only time a 3v1 should occur is if you invade someone trying to get to the boss. White phantoms are there to protect and help the host. Not farm invaders with them.

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by Toastfacekillah Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:20 pm

    I got farmed for the first time in Painted World tower on Sat. Put down my red sign and got summoned to a host with two sunbros in wait. Is this the beginning of the end for PW.............

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:22 pm

    It seems like the farmers will move wherever the duelers go. I don't even want duels. I'm a *** assassin. I come into your world, find you and kill you. If you have phantoms cool. If you're hosting 1v1's cool. But if you and two jackass phantoms are waiting thats NOT cool, or fun.

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:28 pm

    one hint

    PUT THE FEAR OF GOD ON THEM destroy them ALL!

    they get more unskilled with pressure they start panicking giving you time to destroy them

    i have quite a bit of fair matches on lvl 200 or so of course i still end up winning most of the time because i intimidate the guy a biiiit too much...killing both the guy's sunbros one with a parry and one thrown off a bridge is intimidating right?

    put some good music on and go at them and make them know and fear your PSN ID and NEVER EVER want to mess with you again

    like this music here

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by Macvash Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:39 am

    ErrJon6661 wrote:He sends me a hate message calling me a fing noob

    I had hoped there weren't people like this playing Dark Souls..

    Sigh.. what can ya do?

    Ignore = Good :o

    I've invaded a few times, kill some guys with Soul Spears, but they were cool about it. Just bowed, I even summoned one of them and we hung out for a bit.

    Sorry about your terrible experience.

    Last edited by Macvash on Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:41 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Additional Text)

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by ErrJon6661 Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:45 am

    There's people like this in any online game it seems. I rolled a character up to 50 for some pvp.... Its almost the exact same thing -_____-

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by JY4answer Mon Feb 13, 2012 2:30 am

    Seriously, these kids are too young to be playing this game. They should be in bed while someone reads them a story.

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by ErrJon6661 Mon Feb 13, 2012 2:32 am

    It can't all be kinds. I mean, can it?

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by aceluby Mon Feb 13, 2012 12:23 pm

    Kujii wrote:...People on the PSN network just suck... that's what I personally gather from this. X-box users rarely do this stuff, the worst I get is the occasional 2vs1...

    Lol... I hope you're being sarcastic.
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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:21 pm

    xbox has hackers instead or in addition to the regular jerks.

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by eneq Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:12 pm

    I guess the info got out that decent duels where being performed in the Painted World and thus the griefers show up, it will be the same no matter what area gets chosen.

    Id like it if the game blocked players in your block list from any invasion and maybe even boost the likelyhood of players in your friends list.

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    Post by ErrJon6661 Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:57 pm

    That'd ruin the essence of invasions. Its not supposed to be a friend its supposed to be a stranger. I would love if you weren't grouped on servers with the same people. When I pvp for a bit I end up invading the same 5-15 people.

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    Post by eneq Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:13 pm

    Quit and reload, you get put into special server pools when you enter the game. I do that occasionally when it gets boring...

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    Post by ErrJon6661 Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:14 pm

    I didnt realize that hahahaha. I'm going to have to start doing that.

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

    Post by lorenzo110 Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:05 am

    Unfortunately it sounds like some are not fighting very skilled warriors. I learned quiet a few things fighting up here in SL 710 as a sun bro. Thats why going to the lower levels does not really satisfy me at all. Its nothing to brag about when you beat three guys that just do not know how to work as a team or know how to counter ever move thrown at them as you find up in the higher levels.

    Case in point: Back stabs up here for an invader trying to land it can prove very fatal to you. It leaves you wide open for a return back stab from a well experianced and skilled Sun Bro. Most japanese players up in the higher levels know this and will adapt very fast when invading a second time against two equally skilled players. Hell, most people here at SL 710 have mastered BS so this causes most invaders to be able to change tactics during a fight against summoner and sun bros. I had one guy who had to be several levels lower invade a summoner I was helping. He lacked every type of fighting skill but was good at BS. When he landed the bs against the summoner I was right behind him with Artorias. Unfortunately for him he didn't realize it takes a few BS strikes to kill up here especially if someone is wearing ring of favor and has their HP jacked to 2280. I chained BS him to death. You would think he might have learned his lession but nope he comes back 4 more times and is dispatched the same way over and over.

    Then we run into the more highly skilled and deadly japanese fighter **** something something. He first used the BS then finds himself dead soon after. He then proceeds to change tactics during the next several invades. Each one at the least allowing him to live a little longer. When he finally realizes he is facing two guys of equal experaince and skill he tries a tactic that almost wins him a fight. Almost. I'm not going to give away what he did, but I will tell you I admired him for trying it. If I was invading higher level players that is one fighting style I would definately employ against them.

    For the life of me I am still trying to figure out why highly experianced and skilled players would want to fight in the lower levels. I mean really the majority of people you are facing are simply noobs who have no chance winning regardless if they have two other noobs with them. It reminds me of that youtube video I saw where the one guy who invaded killed 3 people. He was good but he was not a great player. He was facing people that had no chance beating him because they did not know how to fight as a team or the skill to compete with him. The guy was freaking wide open for counter BS at least 8 times and these guys were running around in every direction as if they were fighting him in the dark. That was pathetic. And honestly as a player I would not post something like that on line because it would make it seem I was beating up on little kids who had no right even fighting me. It's basically being a bully, when I know I should be facing players that are actually more in my skill range and experianced as well.

    As I have said in previous posts people will fight the way they want to fight because its what makes them happy. If they want to grief others by gang banging or use tactics that may be considered cheap by others so be it. If its allowed in the game then its fair game. I may not like it and some or most may not but it is what it is. And for the most part it makes this game alot more fun to replay, people. Honestly, when a person does something to me that makes me feel disrespected I don't quit the game and throw it across the room. I get better and get revenge. Over 2000 hrs of experiance in this game has taught me that to accept the bad with the good. I would never consider myself a great player, but I would consider myself a very deadly opponent. Just ask those on my buddies list who I have co opted with and fought against me. They hate me when fighting against me, but they do respect me. Most will attack me at first sight instead of fighting the summoner, because they know what I'm capable of doing. That is something you can't youtube, it is something you earn. Scud mentioned putting the fear into griefers, but I would say there is something that is much better then scaring a bunch of no skilled newbies. Thats putting fear and dread into those of your friends when they come across you and know that they face someone that is just as smart and good as them. And again this is just my opinion but I believe that this is the way the game should be played.

    Last edited by Baal-Avatar on Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:10 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Removed reference to ID)

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    Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time. Empty Re: Today was the worst PvP time I've had in a long time.

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