Wilkinson3424 wrote:mmk... i hope you rage, this topic wont be shut down; just as the tyranny you have setup with your "logic" wont betinypantha wrote:Wilkinson3424 wrote:Ok so a darkmoon covenant...
GENTLEMEN if you would please direct your attention to the thread below.
Im sure you can put up a rivarly, but its a **** move since its a new cov as well.just bc theres already a covy with darkmoon or a name* doesnt mean anything,if you continue to hold it as you have been then the covies will stay how they r and scaring away new members is dumb. Also consider what solair says when u earn the white sign. Holding the time all as one is somewhat lore breaking.*Oolacile Bronie
Sure we need a DM covenant, we have one and they are trying but most of them just slowly fade away into the deep abyss section of the cov section. So if the Luna cov does happen to fail be my guest and make this.