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2 posters

    So when the DLC comes out, i'm thinking i'll record a video.

    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

    Posts : 4689
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    Join date : 2012-01-26

    So when the DLC comes out, i'm thinking i'll record a video. Empty So when the DLC comes out, i'm thinking i'll record a video.

    Post by Rynn Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:18 am

    Pretty basic principle, but i'll be on NG+7, so i want to do two video's.

    First, i'd record a small series of vids of defeating all the bosses on NG+7 with my gear set, just so people can see how much of a trial the bosses can become.

    Then i'd want to do, on NG+7, a blind run/lets play of the new DLC, so that i have a recording of that new feeling for all time. I'd think of what i want to record -after- this point, but that's the two things i really wanna record right now.

    Posts : 1081
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    Join date : 2012-02-06
    Age : 35
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    So when the DLC comes out, i'm thinking i'll record a video. Empty Re: So when the DLC comes out, i'm thinking i'll record a video.

    Post by Shindori Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:41 am

    I effing love fluttershy u///u

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