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    They need to fix GL so it always gives an eye


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    They need to fix GL so it always gives an eye Empty They need to fix GL so it always gives an eye

    Post by kriminal99 Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:26 pm

    Eyes are hard enough to come by, and it's gotten so when anyone sees a black sign they just pull out a cracked red eye instead to punish the GL with no eye chance.

    This is so lame it's beyond belief, I have been GL through two playthroughs and I have only been invaded by an actual spirit of vengeance 1 time and gotten an eye. Add to this half of the invaders are using edited characters that have max health and defense with basically no armor on and it becomes ridiculous.

    The only real way to lvl this covenant is to farm basillisks...

    Also, why are the official forums bugged? It keeps trying to make me log on a second time like I am trying to access their internal server...

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    They need to fix GL so it always gives an eye Empty Re: They need to fix GL so it always gives an eye

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:10 pm

    I like Gravelording when you dont know whether or not you will get an eye out of the session.

    More often than not I see people who are more curious that spiteful and invade as an SoV to see what kind of player I am....

    EDIT- Also you have to be very level specific when Gravelording and you have to wait for your curse to actually take effect in the world of your victims before anyone can invade you.

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    They need to fix GL so it always gives an eye Empty Re: They need to fix GL so it always gives an eye

    Post by ICEFANG Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:35 pm

    Farm Dragon Scales, then you can tell me if they are hard to get or not.

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    They need to fix GL so it always gives an eye Empty Re: They need to fix GL so it always gives an eye

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:48 pm

    ICEFANG wrote:Farm Dragon Scales, then you can tell me if they are hard to get or not.
    They arent that hard lol. *Fight small dragon that can be stunlocked OR fight leaping frog that insta kills you in about 3 seconds.

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    They need to fix GL so it always gives an eye Empty Re: They need to fix GL so it always gives an eye

    Post by DxV04 Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:21 pm

    TS, if you are constantly moving with the EoD effect on you will not get many invaders. You do know this right? You know that the sign is you. Where every you stop that is where the sign shows up in other worlds. You know this right?

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    They need to fix GL so it always gives an eye Empty Re: They need to fix GL so it always gives an eye

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