by SageOfToads123 Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:18 am
I just invaded a guy using my SL 132 Forest Hunter Sage Build. I found the guy and distracted him from his dumb phantom. I hit him with my Katana, he flinches, he swings, I kick, he flinches, I hit, he flinches, he swings, I kick, he flinches, I hit, he flinches, he swings, I kick, he flinche,s I hit, he flinches, he swings, I kick, he flinches, I hit, he flinches, he swings, I kick, he flinches, I hit, he flinches, he swings, I kick, he flinches, I hit, he flinches, he swings, I kick, he flinches, he swings, I kick, he flinches I hit, he flinches I hit, he flinches, he swings, I kick, he flinches I hit, he flinches, he swings, I kick, he flinches I hit, he flinches, he swings, I kick, he flinches, I hit, he dies.
I then spammed the guy with shrugs because that's what I give in return to this **** player-base.
Then my inbox explodes with hate mail. He went on and on until after two minutes or so I replied: "There is no need to be upset".
He literally stopped mid-way and never posted a single thing after that.