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    A Barrage of Questions about Starting a New Covenant


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    A Barrage of Questions about Starting a New Covenant Empty A Barrage of Questions about Starting a New Covenant

    Post by ChaosMoogle Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:56 am

    Hi all.

    As some of you may have seen, I'm interested in starting a covenant for invading/dueling based on the principles of not using the more common wepaons/equipment, but having never done anything like this before I come before you, humbled and seeking your collective wisdom silly

    Let the Barrage begin!

    1. For dueling, is it necessary to host organised events or is it more preferable to allow members to arrange matches between themselves or just hang out at the covenant dueling area and then host covenant wide fc's as often as desired?

    2. What have you found is the best method of appointing 'moderators' (for lack of a better word) across platforms? Are these even needed?

    3. What's the protocol for establishing covenant boundaries? I obviously don't want to step on anyone's toes regarding areas, but I'm not sure what's left lol!

    4. For the leaders, how much time do you invest in managing your Covenant?

    5. I don't have any video capture gear, is this likely to be a problem when hosting tourneys if people can't watch, or do you manage ok without this?

    6. What's the best way to go about forming alliances/sworn enemies? Presumably it would be whatever fit best with the covenant lore, if the other covenant was willing?

    7. What do you find is the best way of communicating with everyone during events?

    8. And I suppose, for those of you who have read my previous thread in the PvP section, do you think this would work out lol?

    That's all I think. I realise it's a lot of questions, so I'll be really grateful for your insight happy Just don't want to mess things up before I even begin!

    Thanks for reading Proper Bow

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    A Barrage of Questions about Starting a New Covenant Empty Re: A Barrage of Questions about Starting a New Covenant

    Post by WyrmHero Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:11 pm

    1. The best way is to organize a grand opening event, create a group chat and after that anyobe who wants to duel would just log in to the chat to see if anyone is dueling. ie. my covenant has a group chat on PSN.

    2. For moderators I use a council of 5 members who act as leaders of the covenant. You assign them by number of members in the group. For example I have on PSN and an XBL leader.

    3. Check which covenants are active (ie. LH uses PW arena for dueling). Currently no one is using the Blighttown arena. Many of us like the moonpit.

    4. I check the covenant thread daily. I'm usually on the group chat everytime I log on PSN.

    5. No need for video, but you could ask for some members that have one and if you like to record the tourney or whatever.

    6. Best way is when you have enough members (+5).

    7. Best way in my opinion is through the covenant thread or the group chat. But the thread is more important.

    8. I think it could work, however we're lacking in active forum members at the moment. Your idea is original so I wish you good luck.

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    A Barrage of Questions about Starting a New Covenant Empty Re: A Barrage of Questions about Starting a New Covenant

    Post by WyrmHero Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:24 pm

    Forgot to mention, a general SL cap for dueling is must.

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    A Barrage of Questions about Starting a New Covenant Empty Re: A Barrage of Questions about Starting a New Covenant

    Post by ChaosMoogle Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:39 pm

    Thanks Wyrm happy I would +1 you if I could!! I'm excited about getting it started, but yeah I've been looking through covenant threads and it seems like it's pretty hard to get people signed up. I'll try and lure them in with some nice lore silly

    I'm going to propose a 99 and a 120 level duel cap, so those who want to make builds for the new arena will be able to join. I like the idea of reverse restrictive gear in covenant ranks (low ranks using whatever is allowed, and the higher ranks being more restricted to the more difficult equip).
    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    A Barrage of Questions about Starting a New Covenant Empty Re: A Barrage of Questions about Starting a New Covenant

    Post by Knight Alundil Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:47 pm

    Just on the question of moderators - It is fairly important as, say, what would happen if you had some rl issues to deal with and couldn't attend an upcoming event? You'd need guys to step in happy

    Had this happen to me once while i was a leader so yah, it does happen ^_^

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    A Barrage of Questions about Starting a New Covenant Empty Re: A Barrage of Questions about Starting a New Covenant

    Post by Rudmed Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:44 pm

    Be aware of other groups level caps. Because the more levels they have to cross, the less likely you will find another forum member.

    Allies/enemies depend on the lore, but like Wyrm said it would be better if you had more than 1 or 2 people. Patience is a virtue you with this! It will take a long time for people to join, mine took months but I'm starting to get interest!

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