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    So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf?


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    So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf? Empty So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf?

    Post by Foxhound3857 Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:15 pm

    I recently made a Forest Hunter for anti-gank PvP, a sort of "Gankers pay the price" build, designed to fight 2v1's and even 3v1s. It's been pretty successful, I've been able to reverse most ganks I've run into.

    But being indicted bothers me a bit. It's not the indictment itself that annoys me, but rather the fact that you're allowed to be indicted at all for killing a trespasser. It's not murder. You're being summoned by your covenant leader to deal with someone trespassing on forbidden ground. It's like in real life, you step foot onto someones property without their permission, you're trespassing and they have the right to shoot you in self defense. If you step foot into the forest, you're trespassing on forbidden ground and the Forest Hunters have the right and authority to kill you for doing so. They shouldn't be indicted for that.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf? Empty Re: So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf?

    Post by Rynn Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:20 pm

    technically, yes... however noone agree'd that the hunters own the forest, and so you can indict them.

    It's like if i went to the bus station with 20 friends, called it my property, and started killing people that set foot on our territory.... i'm still doing something illegal.

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    So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf? Empty Re: So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf?

    Post by Foxhound3857 Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:22 pm

    Rynn wrote:technically, yes... however noone agree'd that the hunters own the forest, and so you can indict them.

    It's like if i went to the bus station with 20 friends, called it my property, and started killing people that set foot on our territory.... i'm still doing something illegal.

    They're not just bandits looking for people to rip off. Going by that logic, you should be able to indict Darkmoon Blades too. Sure, they SAY they're punishing the guilty, but murder is murder and there's no unanimous agreement of their authority.
    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf? Empty Re: So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf?

    Post by Knight Alundil Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:24 pm

    Remember indictments dont mean "wrong". They mean wrong in the eyes of the Darkmoon. It's basically a way to get your Darkmoon buddies to hunt down the individual who killed you.

    Think of it more as two gangs rather than police and bandits.

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    So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf? Empty Re: So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf?

    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:24 pm

    As far as the gods are concerned, the only invaders exempt from indictment are the Darkmoons. It's not like the Forest Hunters are objectively evil, it's just that the gods aren't necessarily a force of good, they're just powerful beings with powerful souls, like Gwyn and Gwyndolin, so they get to make the rules per se.

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    So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf? Empty Re: So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf?

    Post by Glutebrah Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:29 pm

    indictment is a law of the Darkmoons, and in their eyes they are the only ones who can kill. the forest invaders are just part of a Mafia protecting their turf

    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf? Empty Re: So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf?

    Post by Rynn Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:32 pm

    Foxhound3857 wrote:
    Rynn wrote:technically, yes... however noone agree'd that the hunters own the forest, and so you can indict them.

    It's like if i went to the bus station with 20 friends, called it my property, and started killing people that set foot on our territory.... i'm still doing something illegal.

    They're not just bandits looking for people to rip off. Going by that logic, you should be able to indict Darkmoon Blades too. Sure, they SAY they're punishing the guilty, but murder is murder and there's no unanimous agreement of their authority.
    The Darkmoons should be indictable, yes, i agree... but there is a problem. The indictments were crafted by the darkmoon blades. and there is no system of checks and balances here; what the darkmoon say, goes. So the darkmoon can invade you whenever they want and kill you.

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    So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf? Empty Re: So why exactly are you allowed to indict Forest Hunters on their turf?

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