take Iaito for example, at 40str/40dex/50int/50faith Iatio does the following damage.
Chaos: 500
Fire: 492
Lightening: 488
Magic: 487
Enchanted: 484
Divine: 482
Occult: 480
something is seriously wrong with this picture.
/end rant.
BrotherBob wrote:What about other weapons? Is Chaos (with no stat scaling) still the best upgrade path?
Ghadis_God wrote:It's getting fixed in PTD, the enchanted/magic/divine/occult paths will be stronger than elemental even with base stats and 40 Faith/Int.
I disagree. All these alternate scaling paths provide a top-notch weapon for taking down Dusk Crown users, and, with the tighter point restrictions for SL100, that will include almost every serious caster. While a Darkmoon Blade (Crystal Magic Weapon) buff will certainly outperform an Occult or Divine (Enchanted) equivalent for the time it's on, it's important to remember that if the opponent doesn't want to play "fair" with the Lightsaber, then the Arena is very conducive to running away. If it isn't an Arena fight, it'll depend on how bold the opponent decides to be when facing down the law (wizard). I'd say it has usage as an alternate weapon for when your buff runs out, and you're facing a Caster, on a build like this. (It'd switch to a Chaos or Lightning against others) Other than that, you are right in thinking it'll generally be a sub-optimal choice except on a few very specialized anti-mage builds that just can't spare the points to attune a buff, like here.Seignar wrote:The only redeeming factor is that magic is the least generally guarded attack type by shields, but that's it...
Glutebrah wrote:It could possibly be due to the fact that the magic ones are more magic lop sided and not a 50/50 split the like lightening and fire. The only however chaos is fire heavy also.
Seignar wrote:Magic weapons have always been underpowered. Not only do you have to take into account that their AR is lower, but that you have to invest stats into it to work AND that magic is the second most defended attack type in the game. So, they are far weaker than they seem in the AR. In addition, GMB might see more play in the coming weeks.
The only redeeming factor is that magic is the least generally guarded attack type by shields, but that's it...
Knight Alundil wrote:ahh 8% doesnt seem that bad at all. Guess i'll just have to wait n see!
DarkW17 wrote:Oh ya Glute its going to balance them out with regards to making them finally a little worse that Occult Ench ect
However the 8% redution IMO does not nerf them enough to balance out elemental vs reg builds overall IMO
Let's compare my arena builds:
Elemental 50 vit 10 att 61 end 16 str 16 dex
Dex 40 vit 14 att 43 end 16 str 40 dex
Both with have FAP/Havels so 1590 vs 1800 elemental wins....61 end vs 43 elemental wins by a lot ill be able to carry an extra heavy weapon and have way more armor....and the only thing winning in the dex build is the pure damage vs elemental...but I'm telling ya guys having actually used them a fair bit recently they arnt doing that much less dmg at all!
With all that being said why wouldn't everyone run elemental 100's even with the nerfs?