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    Vamos the Blacksmith

    Peaceful Wollyhop
    Peaceful Wollyhop

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    Vamos the Blacksmith Empty Vamos the Blacksmith

    Post by Peaceful Wollyhop Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:08 pm

    I went to Vamos to upgrade my bandit knife into a fire one and I decided to use the talk option as I hadn't before. He kept telling me over and over to go away in a round about way and then he told me that if I went to Lost Izalith I could find the chaos flame ember there with the witch, so he knows about both of them for someone reason.

    But what really puzzled me, is that when you hand him the large flame ember hes says 'ah the flame ember from New Londo'. He talks about it in his talk dialogue as well and is aware that New Londo has been flooded.

    Why does he think that the ember is form New Londo? If that was true, why was it in New Londo?And if it was moved beofre New Londo was flooded, why to the Demon ruins?

    Sorry if someone has already mentioned this before
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Vamos the Blacksmith Empty Re: Vamos the Blacksmith

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:50 pm

    Haha argh. Acidic has mentioned this a couple of times. I think he even theorised why it was there. SOmething to do with a ritual. I think if you read the large flame ember and server descriptions it should become cleaerer.
    Peaceful Wollyhop
    Peaceful Wollyhop

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    Vamos the Blacksmith Empty Re: Vamos the Blacksmith

    Post by Peaceful Wollyhop Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:32 pm

    Sorry about the repeat, but thanks for the post : )
    Sir Mandred
    Sir Mandred

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    Vamos the Blacksmith Empty Re: Vamos the Blacksmith

    Post by Sir Mandred Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:38 am

    It is possible that New Londo was (by large) a base for Occult worshippers / Soul Society members, which would explain its quick fall to the Darkwraiths and the Abyss. After all, the town was drowned with almost all of its citizens still alive. The bone piles near the flood doors kind of give it away, people still trying to claw a way out when the town was flooded. Its also possible that an undead outbreak took grip of the town at somepoint, as the Sealers were originally an order of healers and shamans.

    This could lead to Vamos identity and age to be anywhere between 1000-1500~ years, as Izalith attempted to duplicate the flame roughly 1000 years ago from the appearance of the Chosen undead. This would most likely mean that he was a denizen in Lost Izalith before it fell to ruin. As to him knowing the resting place of the Ember, it is likely that the arts of the heretics were entombed into the city with the Darkwraiths, undead and heretics.

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