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    The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore)


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    The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore) Empty The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore)

    Post by Ghadis_God Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:36 am

    Here is posted a piece of recovered lore telling of the legendary Lifehunter-Darkstalker war, and the sad loss of Marius, (aka Billy-Bayonet) at the hands of Wyrmhero. This verse is recalled from the memory of an insane old man claiming that he heard the tale from his grandfather, who in turn read the tale from a book that was purported to have been saved in the loss of the Duke's Archives. The poem's credibility is still being debated to this day.

    The Tragedy of Marius:

    A hundred bodies on a pyre lay
    To light the streets of Lordran’s shadowed slums.
    Its crumbling stones were hid from failing day,
    Its denizens by blade were each struck dumb.
    For soon, the duel that bears the name of war
    Will see blood spilt between two hated foes.
    And ‘till the gutters flow with clotted gore,
    The hazy air will ring with sound of blows.

    Two hidden lords against the gods are set;
    The great Wyrm-Hero, sworn in staunch defense
    To dragon-queen in icy world beset.
    From void Abyss the other issued hence
    To drain the world of its humanity:
    ‘Twas Marius, in haunted city crowned;
    Invading lord of cruel calamity.
    To him the Stalkers of the Dark were bound,
    And set against the grim Hunters of Life.
    Yet uninterred was mem’ry of past loss
    When their leaders did meet to settle strife-
    So that but one in grave would turn and toss
    On war’s account; a noble sacrifice.

    The Oracle of Light did judge the duel;
    A single stone from hand did she let fall.
    And ere its light did the combatants reach,
    The sound of blade did ring, and sing, and call.

    Two bright moons on wild seas reflected;
    In unison the Dark Lord’s blades did shine.
    Relentless was his cold and silent fury,
    Keen and unhindered was his ruthless mind.
    Dire indeed was the Hero’s passion,
    E’er burning like the flame that he did wield.
    Head becrowned, from rags his vestments fashioned.
    Long was his blade, and sturdy was his shield.

    The battle dragged on long, and yet it seemed
    That with each strike, cold death should surely deem
    The struggle done, his chosen to receive,
    And pour th’unlucky soul out through his sieve.

    The skill and strength of both were level-matched,
    So that it seemed they dueled but with their will.
    And then, reborn, in Marius there hatched
    From ashes, thoughts he never truly killed.
    His servitude to Kaathe seemed but hollow,
    His soldiers’ loyalty delusioned dreams.
    Lust for battle feels a cruel betrayal,
    The Dark Lord’s world naught but futile seems.
    For if to serpent’s word he paid no heed,
    And ancient soul lay dormant in the flesh,
    If he had but adhered to peace’s creed
    Perhaps he needn’t lay his love to rest.

    For but a moment he forsook his might,
    And Marius desired not to fight.
    His hand did tremble,
    Wyrm did cut him down.
    None may stop upon the path
    Marching onward toward the bloody crown.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore) Empty Re: The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore)

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:37 am

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    The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore) Empty Re: The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore)

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:07 am

    LOL i need to fight some more people.....if the war is over then.....awkward.....

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    The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore) Empty Re: The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore)

    Post by Ghadis_God Sat Oct 20, 2012 5:28 pm

    Shameless self bump... c'mon guys, read this!

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    The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore) Empty Re: The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore)

    Post by Acarnatia Sat Oct 20, 2012 5:44 pm

    That is AWESOME. The backstory you gave for this is very similar to the backstory Plato gave for his Atlantis.
    And-I didn't get to join in in time for the war! I've become a little confused-when's the next one?

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    The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore) Empty Re: The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore)

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:44 pm

    Ah now thats a good question.... Some of the War Organisers and myself are working on a new model or war so that we can appeal to everyone and every covenant.

    Itll be a few weeks after the DLC though.

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    The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore) Empty Re: The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore)

    Post by Acarnatia Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:06 pm

    Thanks! And by the way, I'm not in the Darkstalker Covenenat- I glanced at the 'war of the fallen' thread and this looks like it would be a great cause or just play into that. Is this, by any chance, actually that or something similar?

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    The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore) Empty Re: The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore)

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:12 pm

    If you need help with creating lore for your Fallen character then please PM me. Im probably the only one who has read Paradise Lost...

    also I just need practice on work with character development and stylistic writing.

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    The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore) Empty Re: The Tragedy of Marius: The Fall of the Dark Lord (RSS War Lore)

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