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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:36 am

    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  24zmbfd


    Priscilla's Lifehunters

    We, of the painting are fiercely real!
    The painting is the method by which any and all may be transported to the The Painted World of Ariamis....The Realm of the Dragon Crossbreed Priscilla!!
    It began with Exiles and is now Protected By Exiles!!!

    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  PaintedWorld1_zpsd20d342a

    Ariamis' painting, housed in Gwynevere's Cathedral, has been kept safe by dozens of painting guardians for generations. They serve Our Queen!

    THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS hunt, with fierce dedication, those who enter the Painted World...Our Realm...and contemplate harm toward Our Queen. We also seek retribution for the past wrongs done to Our Queen and those She shelters.

    We, of the painting are fiercely real!
    The painting is the method by which any and all may be transported to the The Painted World of Ariamis....The Realm of the Dragon Crossbreed Priscilla!!
    It began with Exiles and is now Protected By Exiles!!!

    How and Why We Came To Be

    How Priscilla was born into this world as a Dragon Crossbreed we do not know with clarity. What we do know is that Seath "The Scaleless" in his quest for knowledge, power in magic, and immortality went mad and performed insane experiments on many. Guilty or Innocent mattered not to him. Not even an offspring of the Royal House of Anor Londo was safe from his madness. The secret of Priscilla's origin has been kept hidden for generations and we still do not know the whole truth. But what we do know is that she is an innocent. Another example of Seaths' experimental tampering with the lives and souls of others with no regard for their humanity.

    Her difference isolated her, kept her apart from so many around her. Even as a Royal she was not spared ridicule or ostracism. Surrounded by the sumptuousness of Royalty she grew in a barren world alone but for two and a Peculiar Doll who watched after her.

    As any child would have a favorite toy Priscilla had a doll. A doll that over time became her only one true friend. Someone she could play with, share with as only children can. To her the doll became real. And because Priscilla was imbued with powers not even the Royals possessed. The doll also absorbed aspects of her power. But still, she was not alone entirely fore there were two who sought to keep her safe.

    The Goddess Velka, "Goddess of Sin" and the painter Ariamis, a most unusually gifted artist knew her despair and the changes coming over The Royal House of Anor Londo. They decided to assure her safety and sanity and conspired to create the magic of "The Painted World of Ariamis".

    All of Lordran was changing. Becoming something "other". A reflection of Gywns' and Seaths' madness and the Curse of the Undead. Velka, Goddess of the Darkmoon watched as the land fell to madness. One by one the they fell until finally her precious avengers were torn asunder and only but a few remained. At Velkas' bidding Priscilla had found refuge in the painting. Others, victims and exiles alike also found refuge in the Panited World. It is a "portal" to another place meant to remain safe from the madness. From Priscillas' heart she could reach out from the Painted World to all who had been exiled and experimented upon and give them shelter, a place of Safe Haven.

    When Priscilla entered the painting for the last time along with the Goddess Velka. Ariamis chose to stay behind. He kept in his possession The Peculiar Doll so that no one could enter The Painted World unbidden. It was his task to pass it on to "The Chosen One" of legend who would one day save humanity. Without The Peculiar Doll no one can enter...and yet, only Priscilla retains the power to reach out from The Painted World and bring those deserving in.

    Alas, Ariamis in madness went hollow, another victim of the Undead Curse and was taken to the Northern Asylum where he died. Yet, even in his madness he kept The Doll close to his heart knowing that one day the Chosen One would come. So now it comes to pass that the Chosen One must find the Doll so that they may enter The Painted World and seek the truth of Lordran and its madness.

    Fore, you see...all are exiled in The Painted World. All are people who seek to right the wrongs done. To break the Undead Curse and undo the madness. We will fight to our deaths to defend The Painted World and Our Crossbreed Queen Priscilla from all who enter our realm unbidden and seek to harm Our Queen. We will hunt you down without remorse and kill you without guilt. Yet, in the Spirit of The Painted World and in Honor of Our Queen we shall provide you Safe Passage if you so choose!


    To those who wish to enter and do no harm to Our Queen we offer safe passage and will escort you through the Painted World so that your eyes may be opened to the truth. If you (as a player) should choose this Safe Passage then please see our thread entitled "Exiled of Ariamis Coop Options!!"

    Also, in retribution for the evil deeds done to our Queen and those She shelters we will venture into Lordran and offer our help in Anor Londo, The Archives, and New Londo. Fore, it is truly Seath who has brought calamity to all. Players who seek to aid us in our quest and seek assistance in defeating Ornstein and Smough, placing the Lord Vessel and defeating Seath The Scaleless than please see our thread entitled "Exiled of Ariamis Coop Options"

    Please be aware that the Coop thread is not up's in the works right now!!!


    star The Obisidian Knights star
    star The Followers of Izalith star



    Priscilla must be alive in your world, she is our Queen.
    If you win a battle, point up facing towards Priscilla (North) as a
    representation of one more kill for our Queen.

    Point Up


    You are not required to be part of any specific covenant. However, Darkwraith, Dragon, Darkmoon, Gravelord or Chaos Servant covenants are recommended. This gives us a wide range of options!!


    SL 55/60, recommended covenants: Darkwraiths and Cracked Eye Orb invaders
    SL 80, recommended covenants: Gravelords and Dragons
    SL 100, recommended covenant: Darkmoons
    SL 99 - required for Arena Tournaments!!


    ➢ No chain back stab unless it's a hacker / glitcher / griefer.
    ➢ No glitching/hacking
    ➢ No healing unless your opponent heals or you are ganked: 2 or 3 vs 1 madness.
    ➢ Bow if they bow.
    ➢ Do not taunt invaders.
    ➢ Always point up after a win.


    ➢ Rank 1 Disciple
    ➢ Rank 2 Velka's Blade
    ➢ Rank 3 Lifehunter

    Member of the Council: It is granted by the leader. Member must be rank 3 and be a highly active member of the forum, psn chat and Covenant events, duels, and invading The Painted World
    Only 5 members will be part of the Council and will have the role of Advisers to the Leader.

    Members of the Council rank titles:

    ➢ Darkwraith:
    ➢ Darkmoon:
    ➢ Gravelord: The Pandemic Strategist
    ➢ Chaos Servant:
    ➢ Dragon: The Dragon Crossbreed

    The War Commander is the personal body guard of the Leader and will accompany the leader on all diplomatic missions. Also, the War Commander is responsible for assisting the leader and Council Members with war strategies and plans,training of new members and optimum build adjustments.

    Last edited by Ahhotep1 on Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:03 am; edited 33 times in total
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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:38 am

    .◆.RSS DROP ZONE.◆.

    The spot is located just after the shortcut door that leads to the bonfire.
    Drop your soapstone near the graves, on the white snow.

    .◆.THE ARENA.◆.

    The Arena is our training area and Official Area for TOURNAMENT EVENTS. The soul level for Tournaments is 99.


    ➢ No estus / humanity / DB healing.
    ➢ No Tranquil Walk of Peace.
    ➢ No roll back stab.
    ➢ No chain back stab.

    :weap-chaos: WEAPONS star ARMOR star TACTICAL INFORMATION :weap-fire:

    There are NO weapons, armor, buff, or spell restrictions!!!!

    Last edited by Ahhotep1 on Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:39 pm; edited 4 times in total
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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:38 am

    .◆. THE EXILED ONES .◆.



    Ahhotep1 (psn)- Leader of THE EXILED of ARIAMIS

    Ryujin69XD - War Commander(?)

    Spurgun - Council Member
    Shkar - Council Member
    Robsthedon - Council Member
    Blueberryvibe - Council Member
    Twilightwarwolf - Council Member


    Spurgun - Lifehunter
    Forum Pirate - Lifehunter
    Robsthedon - Lifehunter
    Blueberryvibe (dreambox) - Lifehunter
    Ryujin69XD - Lifehunter
    Twilightwarwolf - Lifehunter


    Lazy_moonfish - Velka's Blade
    Artorias The Abyss Walker - Velka's Blade
    JFMoney - Velka's Blade (?)
    Once_Ler - Velka's Blade
    ThatPersona - Velka's Blade


    PhantasmQB - Disciple
    Cris the Lighthearted - Disciple
    Wolf of Phyrexia - Disciple
    Helmethed - Disciple
    The_Flail - Disciple
    Demon Slayer (psn: fuegill) - Disciple
    Damola (psn: mylastepith) - Disciple
    Once-Ler - Disciple
    slowturtles - Disciple
    Einherje - Disciple
    Complicated_Math - Disciple (Forum name: Vadislov)
    Zakkia - Disciple
    BeeSeeESS - Disciple
    Derpin Errday - Disciple (psn?)
    FatNeckWoods - Disciple (psn?)
    Jansports - Disciple (?)
    Zodiaxel - Disciple (?)
    Appaxno - Disciple (?)
    Redemption0009 - Disciple
    StarScarJenova -Disciple (MIA)


    CM Shkar - The Pandemic Strategist and XBL Leader

    WhatDoesThePendantDo? - Lifehunter
    FellipeMariano - Velka's Blade
    WaLKA (GT: iHokuto Shinken) - Velka's Blade
    SillentShadowPT - Disciple
    Ser Isaac - Disiple
    Tiberius Abyss - Disciple
    Sacrilegious - Disciple
    Carcosa - Disciple
    JK Platin - Disciple


    CM Spurgun - Lifehunter and PC Leader

    ArtificerProdigy - Velka's Blade
    Eufrasi of Londo - Disciple

    Last edited by Ahhotep1 on Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:32 pm; edited 40 times in total
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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:39 am




    Last edited by Ahhotep1 on Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:39 am

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:39 am

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:40 am

    OK! EVERYONE!!! thread is up. I will still be polishing it up and adding a few other things that I think you all will like!!!

    .◆.!!!!!!WE HAVE A HOME!!!!!!.◆.

    Last edited by Ahhotep1 on Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:41 am

    START POSTING!!!!...cough..cough YEAH I KNOW...YOU ALREADY DID cheers


    Last edited by Ahhotep1 on Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by DoughGuy Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:44 am


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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by hageshisa Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:26 am

    It sats The exiles of Ariamis like twice in the OP ^^
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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:35 am

    hageshisa wrote:It sats The exiles of Ariamis like twice in the OP ^^

    What? LOL

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Shkar Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:39 am

    Ahho my dear, did you reserve enough posts?

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by hageshisa Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:40 am

    It says "the exileS<- of ariamis" not exileD<-

    Edit: to be fait it says "The exiles of arismis"

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Shkar Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:43 am

    hageshisa wrote:It says "the exileS<- of ariamis" not exileD<-

    Edit: to be fait it says "The exiles of arismis"

    It's in the rank section Ahho.

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by hageshisa Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:43 am

    Who is this Arismis? Ariamis twin brother? Are we in a evil version of PW now that we are in Arismis paintig? XD
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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by DoughGuy Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:46 am

    Ahho got lost on the way home and led you to the wrong painting silly

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Shkar Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:50 am

    Perfect. I love this new painting! Thank god Arismis lived in Hawaii instead of one of those blasted frozen wastelands...
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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:51 am

    hageshisa wrote:It says "the exileS<- of ariamis" not exileD<-

    Edit: to be fait it says "The exiles of arismis"


    And Guys be patient and kind this is my first covenant thread. And Jules helped a bunch (ALOT) but i still have stuff to change 😢

    And yes! I did Shkar...just in case. And i have a plan for something!!

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by hageshisa Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:54 am

    It's cool Ahho. Threae looks great ^^

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by FattyOfDoom Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:13 am

    I'm guessing the reserved posts are for member lists with names and ranks, wars etc?

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Shkar Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:17 am

    Ahhotep1 wrote:
    hageshisa wrote:It says "the exileS<- of ariamis" not exileD<-

    Edit: to be fait it says "The exiles of arismis"


    And Guys be patient and kind this is my first covenant thread. And Jules helped a bunch (ALOT) but i still have stuff to change 😢

    And yes! I did Shkar...just in case. And i have a plan for something!!

    It's ok Ahho. I understand. I will come and protect you from all the jerks that browse these forums.

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by robsthedon Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:18 am

    Well done Ahho nice job happy
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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:46 am

    hageshisa wrote:Who is this Arismis? Ariamis twin brother? Are we in a evil version of PW now that we are in Arismis paintig? XD

    It was a blend of two suggestions that resulted in a tie.

    We are the painting. And the painting is the method by which any and all may be transported the The Painted World of Ariamis....The Realm of the Dragon Crossbreed Priscilla!! It began with Exiles and is now Protected By Exiles!!!

    Last edited by Ahhotep1 on Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:13 am; edited 2 times in total
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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:49 am

    DoughGuy wrote:Ahho got lost on the way home and led you to the wrong painting silly

    Are you in the right game Dough lol!

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Shkar Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:52 am

    Ahho responds to everything but my flirtations...

    I'm starting to feel like I'm not appreciated...

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    "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" -  Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!  Empty Re: "THE EXILED OF ARIAMIS" - Epoch One: United in our shared exile we are one!

    Post by Sponsored content

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