haha i might make a lvl 100 build then
I really wanted to keep my dex/mage low faith build
but guess I can comprimise
WaLKA wrote:I'm actually interested in joining. However I'd like to create a new character to get to SL99 so I can also participate in evenets. I have an xbox 360 and my tag is iHokuto Shinken. I also have the PC version but the only character I have on it is around SL 150+
ViralEnsign_ wrote:HOw goes your lore Ahho?
WaLKA wrote:Thank you.
I just got a job and went through the paperwork today. But I'm not expected to get any hours this week so I have plenty of time to level up a character and start training. Anyone can feel free to add me. I also plan to get a PS3 this holiday season so I may start participating in the PSN portion of the covenant as well around that time.
WaLKA wrote:Thank you.
I just got a job and went through the paperwork today. But I'm not expected to get any hours this week so I have plenty of time to level up a character and start training. Anyone can feel free to add me. I also plan to get a PS3 this holiday season so I may start participating in the PSN portion of the covenant as well around that time.
twilightwarwolf wrote:hey i need so opinions about a build id like to make here it is plz tell me what you think
WaLKA wrote:Ah. I have a question about PvP etiquette. When we're invading these people, are we out to make their lives miserable and attack on sight, or let them kill all the enemies in the area first if they're in a fight?
I just invaded someone and just stood there, watching them be murdered by pinwheels because I wasn't sure what to do about it. lol