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    Humanity=Great Fertilizer? *SPOILERS*

    Sergeant Soy
    Sergeant Soy

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    Humanity=Great Fertilizer? *SPOILERS* Empty Humanity=Great Fertilizer? *SPOILERS*

    Post by Sergeant Soy Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:18 am

    Hello! This one is just a short little factoid I noticed while rummaging about the Darkroot Wood.

    So, as most of us know, the Darkroot Wood is the ruins of ancient Oolacile, which was corroded and effectively destroyed by the Abyss. And, much later in time, was overgrown.

    What strikes me as a bit odd is that, unlike other ruins in the game, this place showed a lot of growth occurring, and was teeming with life. And yet, this place was infested with humanity.

    Here, you may say that New Londo had a similar fate, yet is one of the most dead places in Lordran. But it was not corroded by the Abyss, and was flooded in order to destroy it. The only place there that shows signs of being corroded by the Abyss is the entrance to the Abyss itself.

    So, in short, I think that humanity can have a positive effect on life other than humans, which is reassuring for people who like the Dark Lord ending. What do you guys think?

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    Humanity=Great Fertilizer? *SPOILERS* Empty Re: Humanity=Great Fertilizer? *SPOILERS*

    Post by Shkar Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:40 am

    Technically speaking, Blighttown probably has a more diverse ecosystem.

    Also, there is the simple fact that most of the game is a city that HASN'T been destroyed for hundreds of years.

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    Humanity=Great Fertilizer? *SPOILERS* Empty Re: Humanity=Great Fertilizer? *SPOILERS*

    Post by Deathsitexxi Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:25 am

    Sergeant Soy wrote:Hello! This one is just a short little factoid I noticed while rummaging about the Darkroot Wood.

    So, as most of us know, the Darkroot Wood is the ruins of ancient Oolacile, which was corroded and effectively destroyed by the Abyss. And, much later in time, was overgrown.

    What strikes me as a bit odd is that, unlike other ruins in the game, this place showed a lot of growth occurring, and was teeming with life. And yet, this place was infested with humanity.

    Here, you may say that New Londo had a similar fate, yet is one of the most dead places in Lordran. But it was not corroded by the Abyss, and was flooded in order to destroy it. The only place there that shows signs of being corroded by the Abyss is the entrance to the Abyss itself.

    So, in short, I think that humanity can have a positive effect on life other than humans, which is reassuring for people who like the Dark Lord ending. What do you guys think?

    I think the fact that you stopped the spread of the Abyss in Oolacile by cutting it off at the source is the reason it still seems like a growing place (it healed itself). New Londo on the other hand wasn't saved at all it was destroyed to stop the abyss. The reason you don't see the corrosion around once you drain the water in New Londo is simply because it was washed away by the water. It's been speculated that water in Dark Souls has some magical property which is why it was able to seal the Abyss away in New Londo as well.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Humanity=Great Fertilizer? *SPOILERS* Empty Re: Humanity=Great Fertilizer? *SPOILERS*

    Post by DoughGuy Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:37 am

    Its more likely the water simply pushed all the abyss back into the wells. Well, maybe not more likely, since the sealers probably put a bunch of cleansing magic into the water to help with that.

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    Humanity=Great Fertilizer? *SPOILERS* Empty Re: Humanity=Great Fertilizer? *SPOILERS*

    Post by Deathsitexxi Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:47 am

    DoughGuy wrote:Its more likely the water simply pushed all the abyss back into the wells. Well, maybe not more likely, since the sealers probably put a bunch of cleansing magic into the water to help with that.

    The sealers enchanting the water makes a lot more sense than just water is magic lol. Thanks Dough

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    Humanity=Great Fertilizer? *SPOILERS* Empty Re: Humanity=Great Fertilizer? *SPOILERS*

    Post by JohnnyHarpoon Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:47 am

    Sergeant Soy wrote:
    So, as most of us know, the Darkroot Wood is the ruins of ancient Oolacile, which was corroded and effectively destroyed by the Abyss. And, much later in time, was overgrown.

    Technically, Oolacile is now a couple trees that dead end at a giant cliffside slightly to the right of the forest (if you're coming from Sif's door).

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