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    Dlc pvp question


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    Dlc pvp  question Empty Dlc pvp question

    Post by Blazalin Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:45 pm

    What is the average level in pvp online for the dlc?

    Posts : 281
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    Join date : 2012-04-10
    Location : the Dead Burg (formerly "undead" but now renamed after a significant effort at regentrification.)

    Dlc pvp  question Empty Re: Dlc pvp question

    Post by bmurn Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:08 pm

    I don't know the average, but I think you can find PVP pretty quickly at any level in the DLC (arena excluded) based on my experience.

    I am currently running at SL 170 through the DLC and have been able to invade and be invaded almost instantly. I also tried the arena and did not connect at all after about five minutes, so I gave up. From what I have read SL 100 is pretty common for the arena. But I would assume anything under that would work great.

    I think there are a so many people in the DLC, and many are running their original high level characters through so the traffic is heavy.

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    Dlc pvp  question Empty Re: Dlc pvp question

    Post by thatsgoodcandy Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:29 pm

    Yeah.. I am SL 67 and was invaded 6 times in the Royal Forest on NG+ before I got to boss. Luckily I had two phantoms with me, we blew through 3/4 of my Estus on the way

    This was without using the Dried Finger btw....

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