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    Is it just me or have the servers been changed?


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    Is it just me or have the servers been changed? Empty Is it just me or have the servers been changed?

    Post by JoshLukeXx Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:56 pm

    Is it just me or have the servers been drastically changed? I can't invade nor get summoned as much as I used to, and if I do invade, or get summoned, it takes like 10 to 15 minutes for it to happen. Sometimes not at all. I can get invaded just fine, but I can't invade using the Cracked Red Eye Orbs, nor using the Cat Covenant Ring.

    Also I'm soul level 206 and I get invaded by extremely lower levels than before. I end up killing them in one to three hits.

    Don't know if it's only me having this problem...
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Is it just me or have the servers been changed? Empty Re: Is it just me or have the servers been changed?

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:12 pm

    DkS has never had any servers.
    Also at 206 you're probably too high to use the red eye orb. Dont know whats happening with the cat ring though.

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    Is it just me or have the servers been changed? Empty Re: Is it just me or have the servers been changed?

    Post by Rynoa Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:30 am

    I'm not having any issues at levels 67 - 207 - 525, but maybe it's just me being lucky big grin

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    Is it just me or have the servers been changed? Empty Re: Is it just me or have the servers been changed?

    Post by Alara78 Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:37 am

    At level 125, my Int character can constantly invade.
    I've invaded 37 people last night, between 19:00 and 21:30 GMT+1, mostly in the Royal Woods and Ooloacile Township.
    Don't have to wait longer than 20 seconds to invade.

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    Is it just me or have the servers been changed? Empty Re: Is it just me or have the servers been changed?

    Post by anath Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:16 am

    In our house, we are having consistent problems on XBox, and we very very rarely had issues before the patch. There are times when there are no signs of being online at all, and we need to quit and restart. Summoning rate ebbs and flows, but seems lower than previously, and we are consistently seeing 'Disconnected from master of world' errors, and we'd never seen that before (not BC'ed - it's a sudden disconnection with no warning, sometimes immeditately after entering the host world while the host is bowing). It's extremely vexing.

    We have a collection of soul levels from 10 - 100.

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    Is it just me or have the servers been changed? Empty Re: Is it just me or have the servers been changed?

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:33 am

    I've been cooping with one particular user and we were having problems connecting; but once we did connect, future connections were solid it seemed. But getting that first connection is a real pain.

    Here's to hoping for better coop support in future installments, for people that enjoy gaming as a form of socializing.

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    Is it just me or have the servers been changed? Empty Re: Is it just me or have the servers been changed?

    Post by thatsgoodcandy Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:03 pm

    IV_Mark_VI wrote:I've been cooping with one particular user and we were having problems connecting; but once we did connect, future connections were solid it seemed. But getting that first connection is a real pain.

    Here's to hoping for better coop support in future installments, for people that enjoy gaming as a form of socializing.

    I've had the same issue... Or where SS disappear and it appears dead

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    Is it just me or have the servers been changed? Empty Re: Is it just me or have the servers been changed?

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