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    Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade?


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    Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade? Empty Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade?

    Post by dmd Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:16 am

    I know this must be a longshot, but desperate times... lol
    Anyway, as it says in title: would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade?
    I'm at slvl 125, in ng+, having my *** kicked very hard by 4kings and desperate for a better weapon so I can have a shot against him...
    Name what you want in return, if I have it, it's yours. Any help is apreciated. Thanks!

    Oh, btw, ps3 version!

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    Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade? Empty Re: Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade?

    Post by Nirdvandva Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:31 am

    do you have a dss and 5 demon titanite? I can trade you some slabs

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    Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade? Empty Re: Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade?

    Post by dmd Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:24 am

    Nirdvandva wrote:do you have a dss and 5 demon titanite? I can trade you some slabs

    I may get you the spear as I already have his soul, but I don't have the titanite.

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    Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade? Empty titanite slabs

    Post by gnowhere85 Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:48 am

    just to say with 10 humanity and covetous serpent ring you can farm titanite slabs from dark wraiths in lower ruins at about 1 slab every 30 mins - 1 hour plus it's a great way to level up and you'll probably end up with about 50 titanite chunks which you need to ascend your weapon to +14 anyway :?:

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    Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade? Empty Re: Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade?

    Post by dmd Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:06 pm

    gnowhere85 wrote:just to say with 10 humanity and covetous serpent ring you can farm titanite slabs from dark wraiths in lower ruins at about 1 slab every 30 mins - 1 hour plus it's a great way to level up and you'll probably end up with about 50 titanite chunks which you need to ascend your weapon to +14 anyway :?:

    I've been doing this the whole morning! So far, 70 chunks, 3 dark hands and no slab... :|

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    Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade? Empty Re: Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade?

    Post by WampaCow Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:03 pm

    I'll trade a slab for either a blue slab or some dragon scales.
    Unfortunately I don't have any Red to spare.

    PSN - WampaCow - SL 116

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    Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade? Empty Re: Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade?

    Post by dmd Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:07 am

    WampaCow wrote:I'll trade a slab for either a blue slab or some dragon scales.
    Unfortunately I don't have any Red to spare.

    PSN - WampaCow - SL 116

    My slvl is 136. I'm afraid we can't meet. 😢

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    Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade? Empty Re: Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade?

    Post by WampaCow Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:18 am

    Sure we can. You can summon people ranging 113 to 159!

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    Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade? Empty Re: Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade?

    Post by WampaCow Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:59 am

    Headed to sleep shortly. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like to make some trades.

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    Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade? Empty Re: Would anyone have red slabs and/or titanite slabs for trade?

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