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    Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos)


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    Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos) Empty Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos)

    Post by PNBgonzo Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:39 am

    Hey there Ladies & Gents, Hope you all enjoyed your holidays. We've been off the radar for a while working on projects and events for our site, but we're finally back up and running with new videos.

    Part 10 - Lower Undead Burg and the Capra Demon

    Had a question for everyone: Did anyone else have a difficult time fighting the Capra Demon? Is there a better tactic for taking him on? Or was there another boss that gave you a hard time? (Ok, maybe that was 3 questions)

    Either way, thanks everyone!

    Last edited by PNBgonzo on Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:48 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : corrected video link)

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    Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos) Empty Re: Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos)

    Post by RaSoul Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:45 am

    I havent beaten Capra in a fair fight yet... 😢

    Im trying but I always and up using the firebomb exploit (standing at the end of the stairs)

    Last edited by SouXouX on Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:57 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos) Empty Re: Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos)

    Post by Nitos-Apprentice Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:47 am

    For Capra demon I generally roll forward as soon as you enter to dodge his first attack, take out the dogs as soon as possible not taking a eye off the capra then when he's alone he is pretty easy. Stay as close to him as possible on his toes and just circle him swinging as he misses.

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    Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos) Empty Re: Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos)

    Post by Guntles_5 Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:49 am

    Just run to the stairs dodging his first attack a try to kill the dogs as soon as possible, otherwise you are fucked. But as already said, fighting him alone is pretty easy.

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    Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos) Empty Re: Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos)

    Post by mpaschke Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:01 pm

    I found a slightly more successful route for Capra with slightly better success ratio (it's still luck whether you get it right, at least without decent gear, and really I'm only talking about low level starter builds. BB glitch users need not apply and please don't complain to us).

    When entering fog, stay all the way to the right. On first enter, jog just a little forward, staying to the right to avoid 2nd dog from seeing you. The move forward slightly is necessary to allow for the next move. Then as soon as capra gets ready to jump, roll backwards and slightly left then quickly move behind the pillars in the back corner near the entry door. Yes, he will attack you, but just moving left and right will cause most of his normal attacks to clang off columns giving you a few seconds to kill the dogs. Key help for me was the fact that the dogs can't get behind you and stun-lock you. Capra himself is fairly easy, even with Drake sword as long as you just roll around his double-strike.

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    Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos) Empty Re: Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos)

    Post by PNBgonzo Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:08 am

    Thank you Ladies & Gents for all your previous tips and advice. Its somewhat reassuring to hear from others about their difficulties... but in a good way... right?

    Either way, we have some more videos that we just put up for anyone interested in checking them out. If anyone has any tips or feedback about our videos, please let us know on either our Youtube page or our website. We're trying our best to create some interesting/helpful/funny walkthroughs along with other original content. Thanks.

    Part 11 - The Depths

    Part 12 - The Depths, Rats, & Sven

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    Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos) Empty New Videos

    Post by PNBgonzo Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:43 pm

    Hey there Folks, so we've posted our new video of Dark Souls. In the interest of making more entertaining and relevant content, we wanted to know where the more popular locations to summon allies in the game are? Any help is always appreciated!

    Part 13 - Summons, the Gaping Dragon, & Basilisks

    **Just in case anyone is interested, our site also does other videos. I will post the finals of our most recent Tournament we held below (Soul Calibur), and just let us know what you think**

    Soul Calibur Tournament Results
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos) Empty Re: Dark Souls Chronicles (Videos)

    Post by User Mon Feb 13, 2012 12:09 am

    I've killed Capra in a fair fight... with an Effigy Shield and a Server. He did not last very long.

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