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    Help someone understand lore


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    Help someone understand lore Empty Help someone understand lore

    Post by DarkMoonKro Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:59 am

    This has most likely all been brought up before but bare with me. I just have a few questions.

    1. Does anyone know/have theories on who the sunbro shrines statue is of? His spear looks like ornateins so I'm assuming it's a youthful Ornstein.

    2. Any news on the furtive pygmy?

    3. Are there any statues of Artorias and the other generals of gwyn(minus Ornstein of course)

    4. Is there any interesting theories about priscilla or Sif?

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    Help someone understand lore Empty Re: Help someone understand lore

    Post by Kyubi-Nick Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:33 am

    A lot of stuff like this is in Acidic_Cook's topic, but here's what I think has been found to make sense.

    The Sunbro's Shrine is to the firstborn of Gwyn, the god of war, who was banished.

    The Pygmy is the ancestor of the player-character/all humans, and passed down the Dark Soul so that one day a Dark Lord would rise (Maybe, if Kaathe is telling the truth).

    Nothing on the third.

    Don't know about Sif, but it's thought that Priscilla is the child of Seath and Gwynevere. I'm not totally on board that one.

    Also, we have part of the same avatar! Hurray!

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    Age : 29
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    Help someone understand lore Empty Re: Help someone understand lore

    Post by DarkMoonKro Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:37 am

    Kyubi-Nick wrote:A lot of stuff like this is in Acidic_Cook's topic, but here's what I think has been found to make sense.

    The Sunbro's Shrine is to the firstborn of Gwyn, the god of war, who was banished.

    The Pygmy is the ancestor of the player-character/all humans, and passed down the Dark Soul so that one day a Dark Lord would rise (Maybe, if Kaathe is telling the truth).

    Nothing on the third.

    Don't know about Sif, but it's thought that Priscilla is the child of Seath and Gwynevere. I'm not totally on board that one.

    Also, we have part of the same avatar! Hurray!

    Yea I was just about to point that out. Lol.

    And did anyone find out who Gwyn's firstborn is? Back when I checked, the dominating theory was that it was Solaire. Has that changed?
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    Chosen Undead

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    Help someone understand lore Empty Re: Help someone understand lore

    Post by User Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:11 pm

    There are still theories and searchings for the firstborn. Some say that Solaire could be the God of War. However, I feel more close towards the Pygmy than so... pretty much everything Kyubi-Nick said was right, so I don;t need to answer the questions. Their is a good chunk that has not been shown. We have to find it ourselves... the hard way. The fun way, in fact.

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