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    Interesting find (link to screenshots provided)


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    Interesting find (link to screenshots provided) Empty Interesting find (link to screenshots provided)

    Post by Uskaius Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:04 pm

    Hello wise people of the archives!
    I found something interesting, but i don't know if it was posted or even mentioned before.
    So i went to the undead asylum took some screenies and always wondered why these particular images were even there.
    There's a lot of references to bosses, a throne etc etc

    The first 20ish screenshots are the ones that need to be seen.
    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    Interesting find (link to screenshots provided) Empty Re: Interesting find (link to screenshots provided)

    Post by Knight Alundil Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:06 pm

    Okay man i'll be honest. When I first looked I originally though "Oh for *** sake what are you babbling about you fool! This is basic graphic rendering!!"

    But then I looked..... alot...

    Holy **** man. Holeeeee ****.

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    Interesting find (link to screenshots provided) Empty Re: Interesting find (link to screenshots provided)

    Post by Intro_To_Madness Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:12 pm

    In the first picture, right beside your health bar, looks like someone in the eastern set praying, which I find rather weird. Anyway, though I see what you mean, I would think that it's just a pattern made when the graphics were put together. The way their symmetrical makes me think the ends of the (tiles? I don't know what you would call them) just line up like that. Looks like an ink blob test though, so you might see something I don't.
    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    Interesting find (link to screenshots provided) Empty Re: Interesting find (link to screenshots provided)

    Post by Knight Alundil Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:14 pm

    Yeh that's what I was trying to point out too but... I dono man some of it matches up pretty good. I can see ornstein, gwyndolin and the gaping dragon fairly clearly.

    Oh and what you said about the graphics matching up; why are they all different then? :O

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    Interesting find (link to screenshots provided) Empty Re: Interesting find (link to screenshots provided)

    Post by Intro_To_Madness Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:23 pm

    Well I'm not sure what you mean from "they all are different" cause to me they appear to have the same set up on each pillar, and appear kinda like a totem pole.

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    Interesting find (link to screenshots provided) Empty Re: Interesting find (link to screenshots provided)

    Post by bmurn Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:59 pm

    I am not seeing much. But they all do look like mirror images. Right side and left side reflect each other on each stone.

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    Interesting find (link to screenshots provided) Empty Re: Interesting find (link to screenshots provided)

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