link the the article below lol What do you guys think?
Intro_To_Madness wrote:Another expansion would be awesome! Something like "The Fall of The First Born" or something like that, since I don't believe that mystery was ever solved.
Mourning Sun wrote:Intro_To_Madness wrote:Another expansion would be awesome! Something like "The Fall of The First Born" or something like that, since I don't believe that mystery was ever solved.
I don't know, I think the going into the past thing wouldn't work twice. I don't even really need a whole new story for an expansion, give me some vague reason to romp through new areas to kill another big baddie and I'll be happy as a clam.
Although I would like to interact with Velka, that would be nice.
Mourning Sun wrote:That's just the thing though, I just don't think there's a whole lot that can be added lore-wise without seeming like they're reaching. Maybe hopping over to a neighboring land, but that's really all that would make complete sense. Lordran is already a hotbed of excitement, let's give somewhere like the great swamp a chance.
WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:
Mourning Sun wrote:
Although I would like to interact with Velka, that would be nice.
sinspaw wrote:Mourning Sun wrote:
Although I would like to interact with Velka, that would be nice.
You know... I'm reasonably sure that we've all interacted with Velka, not long after we start the game either