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    Occult upgrade, etc.


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    Occult upgrade, etc. Empty Occult upgrade, etc.

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:54 pm

    Lightning weapons- powerful and strong against various enemy types, also stunlocks

    Fire weapons- good against almost anything the isn't spitting flames

    Divine weapons- you'll want one at some point for the catacombs, convenience

    Occult- is anybody using occult for anything? As I understand it, they are only good against a few bosses and silver knights? Worth investing into?

    Magic/enchanted- I've never bothered. Magic weapons always seemed to be really weak, and anything they are strong against can be outdone by some other upgrade path.

    Am I completely missing some things here?
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Occult upgrade, etc. Empty Re: Occult upgrade, etc.

    Post by RANT Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:59 pm

    for pvp? occult and magic/enchanted weapons are reay good for chipping away at your opponent's vit specially when they have very little left and just do nothing but turtle, couple of attacks and theyre dead. occult weapons are really good against the silver knights in anor londo, i use them all the time but i know that i saw the most significant damage spike against the liver knights, im gonna make a pure faith build soon and ill post here if i find more about the damage diffference between enemies.

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    Occult upgrade, etc. Empty Re: Occult upgrade, etc.

    Post by ICEFANG Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:08 pm

    BIG TIME MASTER wrote:Lightning weapons- powerful and strong against various enemy types, also stunlocks

    Fire weapons- good against almost anything the isn't spitting flames

    Divine weapons- you'll want one at some point for the catacombs, convenience

    Occult- is anybody using occult for anything? As I understand it, they are only good against a few bosses and silver knights? Worth investing into?

    Magic/enchanted- I've never bothered. Magic weapons always seemed to be really weak, and anything they are strong against can be outdone by some other upgrade path.

    Am I completely missing some things here?

    Lightning is the same as others in terms of stunning, its used more often because most shields used are metal (in PvP here), and most armors used have more fire resistance.

    Fire is good for newer players, because they don't have to maintain anything to use it. The difference between Fire and Lightning is mostly preference, but overall Lightning is better. They have the same AR.

    Chaos is better than Fire if you can keep 9-10 humanity on you (not too hard for average^ players). It compares better to Lightning for that reason.

    Divine weapons are good as a back up weapon for FAI users, and Enchanted for INT users, usually after their main weapon loses its buff. The difference betweem Occult and Divine is literally nothing, Generally, Divine has more physical scaling, but less FAI than Occult, and Occult is the opposite, but even at low values, like 16STR 12DEX, the difference in AR is just a few points. Technically, because of that, Occult weapons are pretty much worthless, as the ability to ignore the regen of skellies is much better than the slight damage increase with Occult weapons on a few enemies. Magic weapons are kinda like Divine to Occult. Magic weapons have more physical scaling, and it is more noticeable than the difference between Occult and Divine. A player with high stats in DEX/INT/STR, would get more AR from a Magic upgrade path than Enchanted, but at that point a normal +15 weapon is about as good, and can be buffed too.

    Hope that helps.

    Posts : 1445
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    Location : Junkyard Porto-John

    Occult upgrade, etc. Empty Re: Occult upgrade, etc.

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:17 pm


    I am working with two toons right now, both are FAITH based. One is FAITH/STRENGTH and the other is FAITH/DEX.

    So, aside from a +15 weapon with a resin, divine should be the best upgrade path as it will scale the most?

    For as much time as I play I am a stats dummy, I know. I tend to go with the first thing that works and I hate things that aren't simple, so I've stayed ignorant.

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