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Knight Alundil
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    Listening to gwyns theme.

    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    Listening to gwyns theme. Empty Listening to gwyns theme.

    Post by Knight Alundil Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:42 pm

    Just listening to this and watching videos of people killing him and I was thinking about him and what he did and stuff.

    But do we really know anything about him? Like seriously? Apart from leading an army who killed the dragons, chilling at the kiln and killing us when we straight up attack him we don't know much about who he is, do we?

    I'm kinda wanting people to throw lore at me. It's killing god man, it's epic and sad and there should be more information about him, right?

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    Listening to gwyns theme. Empty Re: Listening to gwyns theme.

    Post by Seignar Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:44 pm

    We don't need to personally know much about him. His actions speak for themselves.

    A hero and protector to the very end...
    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    Listening to gwyns theme. Empty Re: Listening to gwyns theme.

    Post by Knight Alundil Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:48 pm

    So you think Gwyn is just up to each individuals interpretation kinda thing?

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    Listening to gwyns theme. Empty Re: Listening to gwyns theme.

    Post by RevolverSnake Fri Nov 02, 2012 11:36 pm

    Nothing compares to that moment when you first traverse the white light
    to enter Gwyn's boss chamber and you hear that piano come in just as
    your eyes catch a glimpse of your honorable foe as he begins to charge
    towards you. Scariest, and most beautiful moment i've ever experienced
    in a videogame.

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    Listening to gwyns theme. Empty Re: Listening to gwyns theme.

    Post by ImHereForArtorias Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:26 am

    Well here's what I like to think...

    Gwyn was the leader of the army who brought down the dragons. He then ruled with his 2 (technically 3) children by his side. He ruled Anor Londo and all of its glory. But soon he realized that the flame was fading. and he was afraid of what lies after the death of the flame. He soon realized that the only way to stop the darkness was to rekindle his own flame (give up his soul) in order to refurbish the flame. But doing so he would lose his soul and be a mindless undead. But he would lose his mind knowing that he rekindled the flame.

    When you walk into his fight he immediately attacks you. Not sure why... but all we do know is that he is technically not in his prime. He has gone crazy to repel the darkness and in doing so he has lost his own mind. His fear drove him insane. All he wanted was to keep the flame burning. He truly was a great and noble king. But fell to his own fears.

    This all comes from EpicNameBro's lore videos and a little touch of what i believe but mostly from ENB. LOVE this game. The story is just... ugh the best.

    Best of luck playing through the DLC and NG+

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    Listening to gwyns theme. Empty Re: Listening to gwyns theme.

    Post by mugenis4real Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:30 am

    I think what attacked was a hollow Gwyn. Just a shell of his former self, I think who Gwyn really was died a long time ago.

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    Listening to gwyns theme. Empty Re: Listening to gwyns theme.

    Post by Rarayn Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:00 am

    I agree with mugenis4real here. Gwyn is clearly hollow in the final fight against him. He doesn't *need* a reason to attack you, because he's no different from other hollows in terms of aggressiveness...The difference being that his empty shell alone is more than capable of annihilating anyone who dares enter the Kiln of the First Flame.
    Cris the lighthearted
    Cris the lighthearted

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    Listening to gwyns theme. Empty Re: Listening to gwyns theme.

    Post by Cris the lighthearted Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:51 am

    Fighting Gwyn was like fighting Artorias. Tragic and sad. Wether for kindling the flame or not. You can tell that he was a king trying to save his kingdom. The piano theme signified to me how his fears over came him and he became tired and broken. Kindling the flame is all he wanted and all he can do. Attacking anyone who came. As long as the fire kept burning and light remained he'd kill anyone in his way. But he was no longer fit for the bonfire. And you had to show him why. Pretty sad.

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