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The Letter X
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    So how about that summoning.....


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    So how about that summoning..... Empty So how about that summoning.....

    Post by Abiathar82 Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:16 am

    Ok so recently there have been a few times where I just could not summon certain friends. No matter how many times I tried the summon would fail. To avoid obvious posts , I have studied the way summon should work , proper level ranges etc. That is not the problem , for whatever reason the server just does not connect me to the person I am summon.

    So the question is , is anyone else having this problem?

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    So how about that summoning..... Empty Re: So how about that summoning.....

    Post by BartholomewWenceslas Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:51 am

    I've been getting a lot of summoning failed messages if that's what you're talking about, but if you mean you just can't see their sign then I don't know much about that since none of my friends have this game...
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    So how about that summoning..... Empty Re: So how about that summoning.....

    Post by The Letter X Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:41 am

    I don't know if this is possible on PS3, but when I'm planning on co-oping with a friend I always join their session in progress. I never have problems when doing that.

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    So how about that summoning..... Empty Re: So how about that summoning.....

    Post by passivefamiliar Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:01 am

    I have that problem. Try to play with one friend, find his sign no problem. Freaking out excited. SUMMON FAILED. Try and summon a random, instantly works. No freaking clue why. Thought just occured. What if the game recognizes that its a friends list character? Games can do that. Plenty of trophies for. 'Do (insert task here) with someone on your friends list'. So maybe darksouls restrics it. I have trouble with summons otherwise still to. Just a random thought at 5am. Leave me alone if its stupid.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    So how about that summoning..... Empty Re: So how about that summoning.....

    Post by DoughGuy Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:33 am

    Billy is having a version of this problem. (To start with DkS has no servers) He can't see anyone on his friends lists signs for about 10 minutes, and even then he'll get a lot of fails before a succcessful sumomn. Did it start after you DLed the DLC?

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    So how about that summoning..... Empty Re: So how about that summoning.....

    Post by TheBigLebowski Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:15 am

    There is no server. We are all servers in a p2p system.

    In Demon Souls (3 different servers, 3 versions of the game) summon signs would almost never fail. I think From learned from Dark Souls in that respect and hopefully the next game will have steady servers again. So much better.

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    So how about that summoning..... Empty Re: So how about that summoning.....

    Post by GTP_Zodicus Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:24 pm

    i get a lot of fails as well, its anoying, im on ps3

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    So how about that summoning..... Empty Re: So how about that summoning.....

    Post by TheBigLebowski Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:53 pm

    GTP_Zodicus wrote:i get a lot of fails as well, its anoying, im on ps3

    The PC version is a disaster regarding to summoning (try to google summoning failed and prepare to die edition and you see what I mean)

    The xbox seems better with connecting so they say, ps3 is a bit finicky sometimes.

    From will go with Dedicated servers I hope. They know the issues and they know a new souls game will sell good, so why cut costs with the online part?

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    So how about that summoning..... Empty Re: So how about that summoning.....

    Post by BartholomewWenceslas Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:20 pm

    Having played both the xbox and PS3 version of the game, I wouldn't really say either is better than the other when it comes to summoning. Sometimes I'll get the first phantom I try, sometimes I just have to give up after 10 minutes of failed summonings, but PS3 definitely has more people to choose from

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    So how about that summoning..... Empty Re: So how about that summoning.....

    Post by Abiathar82 Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:36 pm

    BartholomewWenceslas wrote:I've been getting a lot of summoning failed messages if that's what you're talking about, but if you mean you just can't see their sign then I don't know much about that since none of my friends have this game...

    I am having a problem with both . Sometimes it can take like 30 mins for a friends sign to even show up. Then when it finally does , I have gotten 11 fails in a row (current record? ). Anyway the summoning system is really really terrible. I dont know why you can not invite a friend like you can in almost every other Co-op.

    Someone said something about joining a friends session , PS3 does not have that option. Really wish we did.

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    So how about that summoning..... Empty Re: So how about that summoning.....

    Post by Odinbear Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:21 am

    Port forwarding? Routers may be restricting your summons. I rarely see failed messages any more ( not never). The other day, didn't see summon signs so I invaded (30 secs to do so), dueled, then respawned to summon signs. Sometimes p2p needs a jumpstart?

    I think P2P is why the arena is broken, too. Should be dedicated servers for that. Get with it FROM.

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