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    Artorias Arena xbox fight club Sl 100 (or within 10%)

    Lord of Ash
    Lord of Ash

    Posts : 1260
    Reputation : 105
    Join date : 2012-08-31
    Age : 111
    Location : The Invader Trader Store of Wonders

    Artorias Arena xbox fight club Sl 100 (or within 10%) Empty Artorias Arena xbox fight club Sl 100 (or within 10%)

    Post by Lord of Ash Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:28 pm

    Tiny pantha and Lord of Ash of the Far East Trainers are hosting a fight club in the royal wood post your red or white sign at the log right outside artorias door ( exiting artorias door =right entering = left) winners will recieve reward of souls titaniite humanity and weapons if your interested in participating just message me or tiny on Xbox live.

    We encourage people from any covenant to take especially those who arent in a affiliated with any post your gamertag below and well look for you did I mention rewards?

      Current date/time is Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:17 pm