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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Chosen Undead
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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Rynn Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:23 am

    Just thought i'd share. I wonder how scary it is with 99 dex.
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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Rynn Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:23 am

    I also find myself curious on if it's the heavy attack that does toxin, or if it's any thrust attack. It's roll is a thrust, and i'd love if that also caused toxin buildup.

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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Rarayn Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:35 am

    Is that with or without Hornet Ring? Would be funny to see what kind of riposte damage it could deal with maxed out DEX+Hornet Ring+Power Within+Red Tearstone Ring+Channeler Trident buff.

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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by somnam Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:07 am

    What are your stats? I've been using it with 45 dex, no buffs, and I'd be glad to top 900 dmg consistently.
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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:09 am

    You can buff the Tracers?


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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Xero Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:24 am

    No but you can use PW and other things that boost crit damage.
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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Rynn Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:18 am

    somnam wrote:What are your stats? I've been using it with 45 dex, no buffs, and I'd be glad to top 900 dmg consistently.
    50 strength 55 dex.
    900 damage on a backstab, right? These are ripostes.
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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by ublug Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:46 am

    How does it compare to a +15 rapier at those stats? My rapier did a bit more riposte damage than the dst on my murakumo build (28/40).

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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Glutebrah Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:50 am

    my Chaos blade does more Riposte damage then a +15 Rapier, but they are with in 10 damage of one another.
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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Tolvo Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:22 am

    Sounds like I need to test out a GLGS/Tracer build.
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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Carphil Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:29 pm

    Rynn wrote:
    somnam wrote:What are your stats? I've been using it with 45 dex, no buffs, and I'd be glad to top 900 dmg consistently.
    50 strength 55 dex.
    900 damage on a backstab, right? These are ripostes.

    Chaos bandits knife +5 doing 800-900 backstab damage, with hornets, it barely increases to 1000-1200 (no fire defense)

    wonder how much a riposte does. I'm a bit rusty at parrying currently :|

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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by somnam Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:29 pm

    Rynn wrote:
    somnam wrote:What are your stats? I've been using it with 45 dex, no buffs, and I'd be glad to top 900 dmg consistently.
    50 strength 55 dex.
    900 damage on a backstab, right? These are ripostes.

    No, against opponents with reasonable armor I get a bs of seven to eight hundred, and my ripostes never get above one thousand unless I'm packing a hornet ring.


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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Myztyrio Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:46 pm

    Tolvo wrote:Sounds like I need to test out a GLGS/Tracer build.

    This sounds fun. I'd actually like to see the result. happy

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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by lordgodofhell Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:25 am

    1720 dmg riposte against undead firelink hollows right? lol!

    My lightning rapier does slightly more riposte damage (about 900-1100) than my 30 Dex Silver tracer. As it should being that criticals largely ignore defenses.

    Just curious as to what I am doing wrong because I am coming no where near 1700 dmg in one riposte attack in pvp with anything.

    Well, my power within 720 Ar Machete does 1450 on 3/4 Giants! XD no hornet

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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Glutebrah Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:36 am

    lordgodofhell wrote:1720 dmg riposte against undead firelink hollows right? lol!

    My lightning rapier does slightly more riposte damage (about 900-1100) than my 30 Dex Silver tracer. As it should being that criticals largely ignore defenses.

    Just curious as to what I am doing wrong because I am coming no where near 1700 dmg in one riposte attack in pvp with anything.

    Well, my power within 720 Ar Machete does 1450 on 3/4 Giants! XD no hornet

    40 Dex, RTSR, Power within, Hornet ring.

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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by lordgodofhell Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:44 am

    Glutebrah wrote:
    lordgodofhell wrote:1720 dmg riposte against undead firelink hollows right? lol!

    My lightning rapier does slightly more riposte damage (about 900-1100) than my 30 Dex Silver tracer. As it should being that criticals largely ignore defenses.

    Just curious as to what I am doing wrong because I am coming no where near 1700 dmg in one riposte attack in pvp with anything.

    Well, my power within 720 Ar Machete does 1450 on 3/4 Giants! XD no hornet

    40 Dex, RTSR, Power within, Hornet ring.

    Ahh, Well I suppose that confirms that silver tracer is average as I originally thought. I mean, 1720 is pretty average for a 160 crit with 120% extra crit damage.

    Add hornet and red tear to the machete I suppose you would sit around 2K at the least.

    Unrelated but, did you know lightning resin with red tear power within does the same damage as 30 faith slb?? lol oh so much wrong with that
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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Rynn Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:10 am

    I use the hornet ring at the same time.
    I think a majority of you are under-estimating how much an extra 2 or 3 AR does on a critical. There is a major difference inbetween 240 AR and 270, the damage per riposte increases drastically on this dagger past the point normally considered diminishing returns.

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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by GkMrBane Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:54 pm

    Rynn wrote:
    somnam wrote:What are your stats? I've been using it with 45 dex, no buffs, and I'd be glad to top 900 dmg consistently.
    50 strength 55 dex.
    900 damage on a backstab, right? These are ripostes.

    Is this with the hornet ring? cause with my max dex toon the reposte did about 1200.

    I didnt try it with the Hornet ring.

    Edit: I didnt see your last post my bad.
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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Rynn Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:11 pm

    In case anyone further considered this statement earlier this year.
    At 99 dex and using a hornet ring, Ripostes do 1,870 damage. Power Within makes it then do 2,400.

    Full Havels Armor on both tests.
    Roll attacks do not cause toxin, just the R2

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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by ChizFreak Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:15 pm

    Rynn wrote:In case anyone further considered this statement earlier this year.
    At 99 dex and using a hornet ring, Ripostes do 1,870 damage. Power Within makes it then do 2,400.

    Full Havels Armor on both tests.
    Roll attacks do not cause toxin, just the R2

    Sorry but I want to be 100% sure, you do 1870 damage against PLAYERS?
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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Rynn Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:28 pm

    Rynn wrote:
    Full Havels Armor on both tests.
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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:01 pm

    I guess he's asking because you might have tested on Havel, the guy you fight in the watchtower.

    Doubt that's the case, though.
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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by Rynn Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:42 am

    ...Havel can't survive such damage output I think.

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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

    Post by ChizFreak Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:01 pm

    Rynn wrote:...Havel can't survive such damage output I think.

    You never know...

    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Fby2e

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    So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes. Empty Re: So the new dagger does 1720 damage on ripostes.

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