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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play


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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by ChizFreak Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:42 pm


    Anything, but please avoid any kind of turn-based games, I don't like them.

    Games I've played and liked: Diablo 2: LOD, Diablo 3, Torchlight 2, Titan Quest, Borderlands 1 and 2, Dark Souls (duh), Demon's Souls (double duh), Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Elder Scrolls Skyrim, Dragon's Dogma. And that's about it. At least what I can remember now.
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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:29 pm

    If it's on steam, Fable.

    it's not exactly new but was a really fresh idea at the time and good fun to play

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by BartholomewWenceslas Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:48 pm

    The Devil May Cry series is pretty good, although it's not terribly heavy in RPG elements. You could try out the Mass Effect series for a pretty good RPG, as long as you like third person shooters as well.

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by ChizFreak Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:55 pm

    Already played Mass Effects. And Fables. And DMC, but I didn't liked them (the DMC).

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by Abiathar82 Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:20 am

    Had a few people on the forum recommend Dragon Ages: Origins , so I picked it up and am really liking it so far.
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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:22 am

    DA's not really an Action RPG though. It's not turn based, but it's certainly not action. DA2 is closer to being action, but it's such crap in other ways it's not worth playing IMO. I could recommend all kinds of older ARPGs, if you're willing to conisder them.

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by Argetlam350 Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:57 am

    Dragon Age isn't an action RPG but I would consider it close to Skyrim (not the whole open world experience but there is still a lot to explore). I'd say Dragon Age is worth a try, even Dragon Age 2 (though I'd say Dragon Age 2 would be more of a rental game). Dragon Age 2's story wasn't bad I felt nor its combat which is more action base but a lot of other things in it were really a downgrade from the first Dragon Age.

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by ChizFreak Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:49 pm

    PlasticandRage wrote:DA's not really an Action RPG though. It's not turn based, but it's certainly not action. DA2 is closer to being action, but it's such crap in other ways it's not worth playing IMO. I could recommend all kinds of older ARPGs, if you're willing to conisder them.

    Anything, I'm looking for games to play while I'm on holidays.

    And I didn't liked Dragon Age 2, and DA: Origins didn't looked like the game to me, there is something about it that I just don't like.

    This is somekind of offtopic, but I wanted to say it: Dugeon Siege III it's one of the worst games I've played. Dungeon Siege II was good, but Dungeon Siege (I) was awesome. Like Age of Empires, 1st was great, 2 was awesome, but 3, oh god it was horrendous.
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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by Carphil Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:51 pm

    World of warcraft.

    Ok, joking. But if you like old RPGs, Breath of fire series could be an option.

    But its turn based. You listed almost every RPG that I've played happy
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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:14 pm

    DA Origins is a spectacular game in a lot of ways, but if you know about yourself that you're not rpg's that aren't really action oriented than it probably isn't a game for you.

    If you have a PC and some know how I highly recommend Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, and Sieken Densetsu 3. All 3 are SNES games, and are pretty much what started it all. I'd start with Secret of Mana or Sieken Densetsu. The latter has a lot of systems in it that are very enjoyable for fans of DkS.
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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by Onion Knight Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:36 pm

    -The Witcher I and II.
    -Guild Wars II.

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by Juutas Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:47 pm

    Maybe you should try Bastion out? It's this really fun rpg influenced third-person action game.

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by ChizFreak Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:06 pm

    Onion Knight wrote:-The Witcher I and II.
    -Guild Wars II.

    Played Witcher 2, it was great. Never finished it though, I may install it again later to finish it once and for all.

    I don't have the money to pay Guild Wars II, it has a monthly fee right?

    I played Bastion, really boring, not my game I guess. Also no RPG whatsoever, changing weapons and abilities it's the only thing I can think of, but you can't develop your character, it's a linear progression. One or the other choice and that's it.

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by Deathsitexxi Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:14 pm

    I really enjoyed playing Neir, and you can pick it up pretty much brand new for 15 bucks. It's not the most exciting game in the world and alot of the optional quests are fetch (they are optional though) but I really enjoyed playing that game. It isn't the most polished but there are some really memorable moments. It reminds me of a Zelda game but with much deeper RPG elements. While we're talking about Zelda... I wouldn't call it an RPG but Okami is great and was just released in HD =)

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:28 pm

    I second that Witcher is a good story driven RPG, really good actually. Combat is fun too.

    If you have PC, check out any of the Mount & Blade games that you can download on steam for real cheap. They are old and the graphics are basic, but fun as all hell, and deep in the RPG. Also deep strategery and out of this world fun combat.
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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by Onion Knight Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:28 pm

    ChizFreak wrote:
    Onion Knight wrote:-The Witcher I and II.
    -Guild Wars II.

    Played Witcher 2, it was great. Never finished it though, I may install it again later to finish it once and for all.

    I don't have the money to pay Guild Wars II, it has a monthly fee right?

    I played Bastion, really boring, not my game I guess. Also no RPG whatsoever, changing weapons and abilities it's the only thing I can think of, but you can't develop your character, it's a linear progression. One or the other choice and that's it.
    Nope, no monthly fee's just buy the game, create your account and you're set.

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by Deathsitexxi Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:30 pm

    Oh! and I completely forgot to mention Dragon's Dogma.. . So.. yeah go get that and Nier =) One for exciting fun and the other for laid back chill time RPG fun =P
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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by Elite Knight Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:23 pm

    If you have a PS2 or a PS2 emulator, you could try Draken: The Ancients' Gates or Drakengard. Those games were some of my favorites when I was younger. If not, I can't really think of anything else...
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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by Hatsune Miku Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:11 pm


    Nah! Just kidding.

    Actually, I don't have anything to suggest. If anything I should also be recieving suggestions from this thread. but I'm not playing Elder Scrolls because of the controls and what have you. I've already tried them, and I just don't like it.

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by ChizFreak Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:20 pm

    Onion Knight wrote:
    ChizFreak wrote:
    Onion Knight wrote:-The Witcher I and II.
    -Guild Wars II.

    Played Witcher 2, it was great. Never finished it though, I may install it again later to finish it once and for all.

    I don't have the money to pay Guild Wars II, it has a monthly fee right?

    I played Bastion, really boring, not my game I guess. Also no RPG whatsoever, changing weapons and abilities it's the only thing I can think of, but you can't develop your character, it's a linear progression. One or the other choice and that's it.
    Nope, no monthly fee's just buy the game, create your account and you're set.

    Interesting... I will keep an eye on it. Maybe I will buy it.

    As for the others: As I said, I already played Dragon's Dogma. Neir it's not attractive to me, don't know why. And already played Mount & Blade for a long time, cool game. And for the record: Yes I have a PC, and a very powerful one.

    So yeah keep that in mind, I'm looking mainly for PC.

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by Emergence Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:18 pm

    Darksiders 2

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    Post by ChizFreak Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:11 am

    Emergence wrote:Darksiders 2

    And we fall again to the same statement: I don't like it. Sorry I don't want to seem like I don't like all your recommendations guys but I played it for like 2 and a half hours and it bored me as hell. Also that's game is kind of hack-n-slash. I don't know why I don't like it, I loved God of War. It just didn't hooked me. Same as Dishonored, lots of people it's fun and all that, but I played it for like 4 hours and it bored me as hell, it was just too generic, and the stealth-mechanic was a joke. And when not being stealthy, I mean going directly face-to-face and shoot everything, it was just plain boring and generic shooter.

    Maybe I played so many games I'm just too selective. So games just feel like nothing new to me so I just don't play them. In Dishonored, the action parts were boring, and the stealth parts were basic and dumb. I admit though that I played it until you get to reunite for the first time with the rebels at their base, when you meet for the first time the scientist, and all that. I'm sure there was serious new stuff after that part, like spells (I didn't acquired any at that time), but I just felt like it was not worth playing anymore.

    To give a general heads-up, I don't like much games similar to Devil May Cry, and I consider Darksiders to be very similar to it, the only exception is God of War.

    Looks like I played most ARPGs that you guys played, even though I didn't liked some of them. Only area of gaming I don't have too much experience besides graphic adventures (they are interesting to watch, but not entertaining to play for me), are JRPGs, mainly because most of them are turn-based and I don't like turn-based games (save a few exceptions).

    For now we can rescue Guild Wars 2.

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by Emergence Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:28 am

    Sorry about that, read the thread and didn't notice it mentioned as something you had tried.
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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by PlasticandRage Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:43 am

    Maybe try a Zelda game? There are dozens of them, and in all reality that series truly got the genre off the ground. I can't say I've ever played one I didn't enjoy.

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    Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play Empty Re: Tell me a good Action-RPG game I should play

    Post by SlakeMoth Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:28 am

    No-one's mentioned 'Deadly Premonition' I don't think. I seriously love this game. It's so off the wall and different you'll wonder what hit you. It's a Swery 51 game. I promise you have never played another game like it. Unique.

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