freakgib Dec 15, 2011 6:40 am
u get eaten by the Gaping Demon also that Demon is comming from some room below where u fight it maybe it can bring u back there?
then u have Nito who grap u and the 4 kings who grap u also.
Iron Golem also who knows maybe he can break open that whall / door behind him
and frampt and Klaate.\alsi am thinking about the Bird who brings u from the Undead Asylum to firelink and back maybe he can bring u somewhere els
there is 1 part where u walk knee deep in the water that is in New Londo ruins if u diddnt lower the water and u enter the place at the start where u encounter the first ghost then u go right around some old ruins and there u can walk over a stone bride stil under water to a chest/body
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Xirmi re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
Xirmi Dec 15, 2011 8:22 am
I've been grabbed by Nito, the centipedes, the Four Kings and the Iron Golem and they don't take you anywhere.
There a lot of centipedes in the Demon Ruins, though.
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professorOfLies re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
professorOfLies Dec 15, 2011 9:40 am
Regarding the Blocked path in lower undead burg. You can see the other side of that blocked off path easily when you first enter the area with the basement key. After you slide down the loooong ladder and leave the building, look left and down. You can clearly see the boarded up path and where it leads. It leads around a bend and into a wall of terrain.
It looks like that was probably going to be a secret area at some point in the game design, but left along. I am more concerned about the boarded up door near all of the torch wielding hollows that are guarding a single humanity item... that seems off.
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Digital-Ashes re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
Digital-Ashes Dec 15, 2011 11:33 am
The path in Undead Burg, I am sure, was scrapped. The ledge you were talking about where you can see it, if you shoot arrows at it from there they will go through the stairs and floor. It probably had some use but in the end it never made it into the game.
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grizzli re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
grizzli Dec 15, 2011 5:48 pm
Gods, From are really master trolls! There's nothing more in this game. All this pendant-walls-npcs sh*t was cut due to deadline/Xbox DVD space.
And it's really dramatic. The story feels REALLY scrapped, 'cause we just have no information and without information many things are looking really stupid. I really like the atmosphere of Demon's Souls. Wonderful Boletria - we knew as much as we need. But we knew.
When we look at last years (TGS10 etc.) trailers, we can see, that
1) Anastcia should play much more important role (perhaps she should be like Maiden in Black)
2) Most of ''Summon NPCs'' (Taurus, Leeroy, Beatrice) should have their own side quests.
When I've read the whole text dump, I started to understand this game:
- Shiva, who actually should be Satsuki (that's why he went to Blighttown). Okay, From. That wasn't that hard to do a second quest like ''Lautrec killed Anactasia''. Lame.
- Oscar, who should actually be your rival.
- Velka's Covenant. That would make much more sense. Being a judge of Sin's Goodness makes much more sense then hunt people for ephemeral target of this ***.
etc. etc.
So, what's the moral of this story?
Take more time to make a game and don't release game on Xbox.
I hope for Demon's Souls 2 or other Souls game for Vita. Sony already learned their lesson and now they are able to invest in new Souls game. We hope, we pray.
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grizzli re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
grizzli Dec 15, 2011 5:52 pm
2011, 11:24 am
Here is the yet undiscovered/hidden dialogue for Shiva of the East from the text dump:
Shiva's Dialogue:
"Hello again. Strange to meet away from the clan and the forest. But while you're here, how about some equipment? I love collecting these things, but I can only keep so many. And, you know, you are a friend. I'll sell them cheap."
"We meet again. I have the equipment, if you have the need.Well, there you are again.I've culled my best picks from my last summoning. Have a look, will you? I see you have a sharp eye for trinkets. Suits me fine. I'll be seeing you."
"Right then. I'll see you in the forest."
"Right then. I'll be seeing you."
"Have you heard of Chaos Blade? The legendary sword of the ancient Undead master Makoto, its
blade a swirling vortex. I heard it's somewhere around here, but I can't find it....It's all I could ever wish for......I'd do anything to have it."
"Why, look at you! Just wait will you! Your sword! Is it not... the Chaos Blade...? I've been searching for her for ages! ...I beg of you, and I promise repay you...Will you give the sword to me?"
(This seems to be his response when you say "Yes")
"Excellent! Much gratitude! As promised, this is for you. Go ahead, take it. Ahh, splendid, the Chaos Blade...Look into the vortex...Wonderful...Simply wonderful...Oh my, oh my...But the sword's true value...hmm...Can't be known without a good killing..."
(This seems to be his response when you say "No")
"Yes, quite alright, I cannot blame you. The blade is yours, after all....So, I will do the honourable thing......And kill you for it...Don't you run away! Be still you rat! Taste my blade, taste it, you devil! Hee hee! Hee, hee hee hee!"
"This is what you get for crossing me. Have a look at my sword, for it's the last thing you'll see!"
"Red...the colour of blood...Hee hee...hee...By the devils...You won't be able to run far enough...What a wonderful specimen...Like slicing through butter...Hee, hee, nee hee hee! Your ambitions have sealed your fate. But, who'd have thought I'd be the traitor? Sometimes you never know, do you...Keh heh heh heh!"
So, most of NPCs could also get summoned. Drama.
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Dustofsaturn re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
Dustofsaturn Dec 15, 2011 7:27 pm
The next souls game had better be multiplatform, or whatever game FROM creates next.
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glyphblade re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
glyphblade Dec 15, 2011 8:43 pm
I have left big hat logan in the cage at sen's fortress, went through to Seath's Dukes Archives and big hat logan is not in the cell below.
I was a princess guard covenant, dressed in maidens gear and died, only to appear in the standard cell... cast the princess guard miracles on the crying medussa's, all in maidens gear and no change..
Reah is there, hollow in her ussual place as well... leaving her alive for a while til I think of a new idea..
I opened the short cut in lost izalith, got Solaire to be all 3 of his options.
Used the pendant, equiped all of Gwyn's equipment, was a fully ranked 3, max 99 offerings to the warriors of sunlight covenant, dropped the pendant, wore the sunlight maggot,.. and all had no change to Solaire's behavior.
I put the pendant on the ground, dropped every boss soul and fire keeper soul on the ground and waited.. and nothing happened..
I dissagree with Grizzli.. with so many variables through npc options it is very likely that we have not hit the right combination of events or choices to trigger the pendant option..
Through story progress, or the correct order and sequence of events is how we'll find out what the pendant does..
and when it's all said and done and if we still haven't found what the pendant does..
we get our best Japanese to English translator and go to Japan.. and ask really nicely for director Hidetaka Miyazaki to tell us the secret..
I'll bring a Nodachi (washing pole) and light it on fire if it will help convince him..
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glyphblade re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
glyphblade Dec 15, 2011 8:45 pm
also this area is still worth investigating..
In blightown, in the middle level where the fire spitting dogs are, and the fire keeper soul is.. in the back and left of the ladder up is a door / barricade of some sorts with a shaft going down... it stands out and looks out of place.. but also cannot be interacted with..
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Noctes re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
Noctes Dec 15, 2011 8:49 pm
I saw that too my first run. I always thought it was a door that will eventually open. I looked around for like an hour, looking for a switch or something, haha.
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Digital-Ashes re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
Digital-Ashes Dec 15, 2011 9:38 pm
I agree with Glyph. All the starting gifts have some significance to the player or plot. If the Pendant's only use is to be traded away, it would be a worthless starting item. It must do something even if that something is just extra dialogue like the Old Witch's Ring.
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ButterflySoul re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
ButterflySoul Dec 15, 2011 9:41 pm
Has anyone tried summoning an NPC and taking them somewhere else? As in... NOT in the boss fight?
I remember summoning Solaire in Anor Londo and he lost half his health going to town on those two giant knights in the grand hall, instead of going towards the fog with me.
What if... What if you were to summon him there and walk him down to the Darkmoon bonfire? Perhaps leaving the ring of the sun's firstborn on the corpse for him to "find it" ? Maybe even take him down for a chat with Gwyndolin?
I just got the Lordvessel in NG+ and then this idea popped into my head. It seems so natural to summon them just for the boss fight since they show up right before the fog and disappear after, but what happens if you take them elsewhere?
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ArkAndSka re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
ArkAndSka Dec 16, 2011 3:09 am
I remember when I summoned Solitair before the Gaping Dragon, I wondered if I could take him anywhere else. I walked around part of the Depths and then was like alright lets go back to the boss area.
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ublug re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
ublug Dec 16, 2011 3:28 am
Most of the npc's you can summon will only stay around the boss area, even Leeroy was patched to not run back into the level. Lautrec and Solaire will follow you around in the Depths though. I was planning to get them cursed
, but I doubt if it can be done.
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grizzli re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
grizzli Dec 16, 2011 5:52 am
People please. Your ideas are really crazy.
I've one question. Why is Solaire's way to find his own sun so, hm, strange. Undead Burg > Anor Londo > Undead Burg (How?) > Demon City (!!!) > Lost Izalith. I mean, it's just random! Logan has logical way (he goes to Duke's Archives, 'cause he wanted to lean Seath's magic). Siegmeyer... Okay, if you know the development story, then it's logical too (there should be area, that connects Izalith with Ash Lake (you can still see it from Tomb of Giants). But what's really strange is how have they all found a way to Anor Londo! It's just strange, I don't think that they also used a service of gargoyles. Strange.
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grizzli re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
grizzli Dec 16, 2011 5:57 am
And yeah, perhaps Pendant SHOULD have big use, but due to deadlines or wonderful Xbox DVD space they had to cut it too. ''We tried our best, you know the rest.''
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Xirmi re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
Xirmi Dec 16, 2011 6:05 am
Summoned NPCs go for the boss area usually if you leave.
Leeroy is the only one I managed to get to help me. I summoned him before killing the Bonewheel skeletons and he cleared everything out for me, dealing over 2000 damage per hit. >.>
Once the skeletons were dead, he just went into the boss area even when I tried to get him to follow me.
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Adrikekz re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
Adrikekz Dec 16, 2011 6:22 am
So, do we have any proof that Solaire is searching for the pendant?
Perhaps he's searching for his ring, or something else.
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grizzli re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
grizzli Dec 16, 2011 6:27 am
He's looking for something, let me say, something unphysical. He looks really depressed and starts to go mad. It's really important for him.
But has anyone managed what happens to him if you save him in Izalith (you kill all parasytes) Does he just sit there for eternity? When he helps you with Gwyn, then it means, that he knew how to get to the Klin and he wanted something from Gwyn. Something really important, 'cause he had to turn back and go back to the Firelink Shrine.
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Adrikekz re: All dark Souls Secrets... lots of spoilers..
Adrikekz Dec 16, 2011 6:35 am
Yeah, I know this much, but of all parts that seemingly has been removed from the game, solaire's seems to still be there.