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    My fallen Darkwraith

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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Back Lot Basher Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:18 pm

    After all these hundreds of hours, I decided to try the Darkwraiths. Pushed through the game and beat the kings at level 15 with a bunch of pyro, then joined the covenant. But I don't know what it is...I just can't invade people. Makes me feel dirty. First time I did it, I just dropped the dude a twinkling titanite and let him go to the fog door. Even when I do engage someone in a fight, I just use unbuffed, mid level swords.

    So now I play as a Darkwraith who's been cast out from her order! I wear the armor, but I put down coop signs all over the Parish and Depths. Needless to say, I get a lot of shrugs.

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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Revoltage Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:23 pm

    I know how you feel, I made a low-lvl invader build and 90% of my invasions end up with me helping the host in some way. I'm a terrible d*ckwraith Shrug But good on you for being cool and helping people like that!

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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Abiathar82 Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:37 pm

    I know I am going to get a lot of sh!+ about this post..... That being said , to be a low level vader and do it often , I think you kind of have to be a douche. It is inevitable that you will be invading someone that is new to the game and is having a hard enough time just getting through the game itself. They probably have very little humanity and most likely need help rather than you stealing their souls and Humanity. I know when I was knew , an invasion was the last thing I needed.

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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by barrywilkins Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:06 pm

    well you have to look at it from a different viewpoint. how would you have felt if someone invaded you as a low level and just let you walk away without a fight? pitied, useless, weak. not even worth the few seconds it would take to slaughter you. worse yet, they're helping you! how could you even go on with the game knowing that no one even takes you seriously enough to fight you when that was their very intention?

    slaughter them. kick them off cliffs, bleed them out, poison them. and when they're gasping their last breath, drain their humanity. no one, even the most pathetic newbie still having trouble with the first hollows in the asylum deserves to be spared. let them know you care about them, by being the most merciless introduction to this game.

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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Revoltage Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:14 pm

    barrywilkins wrote:well you have to look at it from a different viewpoint. how would you have felt if someone invaded you as a low level and just let you walk away without a fight? pitied, useless, weak. not even worth the few seconds it would take to slaughter you. worse yet, they're helping you! how could you even go on with the game knowing that no one even takes you seriously enough to fight you when that was their very intention?

    slaughter them. kick them off cliffs, bleed them out, poison them. and when they're gasping their last breath, drain their humanity. no one, even the most pathetic newbie still having trouble with the first hollows in the asylum deserves to be spared. let them know you care about them, by being the most merciless introduction to this game.
    Clearly I was not meant to be a true darkwraith...

    I know what you mean, but when I first played the game and got invaded the first few times, I was really frustrated at being killed over and over in seemingly op ways. When one invader dropped me some items, I was really grateful and I didn't feel so down about the game after that. I like to think that it kept me going. But this is just from my personal experience.
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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Agent Talon Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:44 pm

    Ok noob question, but how did you manage to get to the kings and kill them at lvl 15? I feel like a total idiot at this game since my lvl 60 gets his *** kicked by the kings.

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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Abiathar82 Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:01 pm

    A lot of skill and some good gear my friend winking. Definately not going to do this your first or second play through most likely.

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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Abiathar82 Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:04 pm

    barrywilkins wrote:well you have to look at it from a different viewpoint. how would you have felt if someone invaded you as a low level and just let you walk away without a fight? pitied, useless, weak. not even worth the few seconds it would take to slaughter you. worse yet, they're helping you! how could you even go on with the game knowing that no one even takes you seriously enough to fight you when that was their very intention?

    slaughter them. kick them off cliffs, bleed them out, poison them. and when they're gasping their last breath, drain their humanity. no one, even the most pathetic newbie still having trouble with the first hollows in the asylum deserves to be spared. let them know you care about them, by being the most merciless introduction to this game.

    At this ^ , Bro that is some of the darkest sh!+ I have heard in a while. It is safe to say you have some issues lol :shock:. I know it goes against human nature these days ........ sad but compasssion is not a horrible thing My fallen Darkwraith 639795459

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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by reim0027 Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:57 pm

    Low level invading is great. As long as you use appropriate gear. Many times the battles last longer (no buffing or OHKs). Plus, it teaches them more about the game. If they are really new, I'll let them back off an heal. I'll tone down my aggressiveness, etc. Often, they have phantoms who know more what they are doing.

    I remember one invasion. It was at SL 10 (IIRC). I got a PM after stating that was his first invasion and it was awesome! So, just because you beat a host doesn't mean they didn't have fun.

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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by AzureCrow Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:33 pm

    Agent Talon wrote:Ok noob question, but how did you manage to get to the kings and kill them at lvl 15? I feel like a total idiot at this game since my lvl 60 gets his *** kicked by the kings.

    The Kings have the most dramatic level scaling of any boss. If you have some experience with them and a pyro glove or elemental weapon they usually die without the 4th king even summoning.

    It can be a nightmare to get to them at that level though, world enemies don't scale like bosses. But it is possible to go straight from the Taurus Demon to Sif to the Kings.
    Espada Muerta
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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Espada Muerta Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:38 pm

    reim0027 wrote:Low level invading is great. As long as you use appropriate gear. Many times the battles last longer (no buffing or OHKs). Plus, it teaches them more about the game. If they are really new, I'll let them back off an heal. I'll tone down my aggressiveness, etc. Often, they have phantoms who know more what they are doing.

    I remember one invasion. It was at SL 10 (IIRC). I got a PM after stating that was his first invasion and it was awesome! So, just because you beat a host doesn't mean they didn't have fun.

    Same here as long as you keep it fair and don't use OP gear than it can be a fair and intense fight some of my best PvP was at low levels, now the OP jerks invading people with OP gear ruin it.

    Some people are only meant to be sun bros lol Praise the Sun
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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by BLA1NE Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:05 pm

    I like to think that, as a Darkwraith, I do hosts a lot more good than summons do. Understand me, though: NOT EVERY darkwraith is good.

    I like to show hosts just what is possible with this combat system. Want to spam R1? Get parried. Shoot spells indiscriminately, especially while locked-on? Have fun wasting them. Run around me in an endless circle trying to get at my back? Have fun getting backstabbed.

    I'll let them heal as much as they want, too. And in the end, if they were a good sport, I'll often just let them live--crystal out, or even let them kill me so they get the souls and humanity.

    So what do you think: is it better to be invaded by me, a Darkwraith, or to summon some OP phantoms who will roflstomp the entire level while you just run behind them trying to keep up? I teach players; summons beat their game for them.

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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by SillentShadow Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:26 am

    Why all so preocupied? Darkmoon Blades will avenge this poor helpless souls twisted
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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Sentiel Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:56 am

    I love to invade people with my SL1, especially in Parish. It's hard to get invasion in Depths with this SL, but I can pull some off.

    I use appropriate equipment and spells only, to make the fight fair, but I always keep a suprise, like a Chaos Dagger +5, or something in cases that host has a phantom with endgame gear, or if I manage to invade someone with endgame stuff.

    Depending on host, as some are overly aggresive towards me, I drop a thing or two before the fight, that the host can pick up if he defeats me. Nothing game breaking, mind you, just some titanite, or +5/+10 (depends on location) weapon etc. But if I really like the host I drop Crystal Weapons. They do a great deal of damage, but break quickly.

    A lot of people that I invaded, or got summed by asked me for elemental weapons. I still fail to understand why...
    I usually give them Lightning Broken Sword for lolz and Black Crystal outta there.
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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Back Lot Basher Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:18 pm

    Thanks for all the feedback, folks. Glad it's not just me. Two things I never did even when I did invade: use elemental weps, and use that pyro I'd leveled for taking on the Kings. That just never seemed fair. I also like that sometimes you take on two or three at once...good practice for me.

    Question: If I spawn in at the boss door in the Parish, drop a gift, and then end up killing the host, would it still be there when he came back from the spawn point? Does it only go away if he/she shuts the game off?

    Regarding the question about beating the kings at that low level. With a fully ascended glove, plus all the combustion spells you can muster, this task is unbelievably easy. Run in, start spamming, and keep strafing. Believe me, I was shocked at how easy it was. Because you are taking them down fast, there's only ever one at a time. And since you're doing it alone at that level, they won't have the buff they get from there being summoned people.

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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:27 pm

    Don't invade at low levels, invade at higher ones when the host usually stands a chance.
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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Back Lot Basher Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:37 pm

    Ghadis_God wrote:Don't invade at low levels, invade at higher ones when the host usually stands a chance.

    Funny you mention this. I have a level 280 toon on PS3 that I'm just getting ready to roll. Going to curse the bejesus out of the Parish, Depths, Catacombs, Blighttown, Garden, and Forest. I'm curious to see how much invading gets done at this level.

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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:16 pm

    You'll get DW invasions since they invade up, but idk how many cursed people will show up.
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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Sentiel Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:56 am

    Ghadis_God wrote:Don't invade at low levels, invade at higher ones when the host usually stands a chance.
    If two guys bash themselves with Longsword +5, they have the same chance to win, no matter the level.

    I think that the game gives you 4 Cracked Red Eye Orbs for this exact reason, to invade at low SL.

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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by LunarFog Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:17 pm

    I'm a level 11 invader and I gotta say it's actually pretty fun playing with someone who stands no match to you and REALLY doesn't want to die. It's weird to see the stuff they think up sometimes.

    But good on you for doing the unexpected.
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    My fallen Darkwraith Empty Re: My fallen Darkwraith

    Post by Sentiel Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:33 pm

    Reminds how I got invaded this very morning by some dude in Parish.

    I've summoned two phantoms, who seemed to use proper gear so that I will have some company on the way. I hate summons with OP gear, they ruin the game for me, even though I've already finished hundred times.

    *insert random bs name* invaded us. I was expecting it, but I was kinda dissapointed when I saw it anyway...
    Lord's Blade set and some small elemental weapon that bs one shotted each of my phantoms. They put up a good fight though. Brave guys.
    I've spammed him with some Soul Arrows, which pissed him off, so he took out, of all things, Obsidian Greatsword, thinking he's badass or something.
    I took out my Estoc +5 and he died like a :dung: .

    That's bad way to invade on low SL.

    I invade in Parish as well, heck, I've used this very same char to do it thanks to some CREO in Firelink. Using gear obtainable in there is FUN!
    Doesn't matter what you use, it's max +5 anyway, so it's pretty much the same stuff you find on higher SL. Even though you have little HP, you also do little damage. When I shoot Soul Arrows on a guy trying to fry me with Fireball, it's like when kids fight. It's fun and has none of min/maxing, drive to win at all costs and maliticious intent to totally **** the souls of your opponent, that higher SL PvP usually has.

    But that feel when you beat down a guy with OP gear, while you use the legit one.
    Nothing quite like it. Joy

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