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    lag problem


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    lag problem Empty lag problem

    Post by mocizzle Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:33 pm

    is there anyway to fix the lag problem in dark souls? i mean getting back stabbed when the guy is in front of me seems to be too much... lol

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    lag problem Empty Re: lag problem

    Post by MockChaos Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:34 pm


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    lag problem Empty Re: lag problem

    Post by BoilerFan8472 Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:19 am

    How to block lag stabs 101

    1. Make an annoying strength tank build

    2. Find a nice narrow corridor(if you're in a corridor there's no possible way he can get behind you, lag doesn't allow people to run through obects, including other players)

    3. Get invaded and allow the invader find you

    4. Close the gap in the corridor. Dodge/block projectiles as necessary

    5. Two hand your biggest strength weapon and spam attack

    6. Bask in your glorious, yet cheap victory

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    lag problem Empty Re: lag problem

    Post by Conrack Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:41 am

    BoilerFan8472 wrote:How to block lag stabs 101

    1. Make an annoying strength tank build

    2. Find a nice narrow corridor(if you're in a corridor there's no possible way he can get behind you, lag doesn't allow people to run through obects, including other players)

    3. Get invaded and allow the invader find you

    4. Close the gap in the corridor. Dodge/block projectiles as necessary

    5. Two hand your biggest strength weapon and spam attack

    6. Bask in your glorious, yet cheap victory

    and yet as a Brute str. build I wouldn't call that cheap silly

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    lag problem Empty Re: lag problem

    Post by Automancer Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:21 am

    BoilerFan8472 wrote:How to block lag stabs 101

    1. Make an annoying strength tank build

    2. Find a nice narrow corridor(if you're in a corridor there's no possible way he can get behind you, lag doesn't allow people to run through obects, including other players)

    3. Get invaded and allow the invader find you

    4. Close the gap in the corridor. Dodge/block projectiles as necessary

    5. Two hand your biggest strength weapon and spam attack

    6. Bask in your glorious, yet cheap victory

    Aww, you jerky jerk. You make me smile, +1 for you! Brute tanks rule!!! lol!
    Hatsune Miku
    Hatsune Miku
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    Chosen Undead

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    lag problem Empty Re: lag problem

    Post by Hatsune Miku Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:48 pm

    I've noticed a lag in just about any place of the game, at any random moment, lately.
    I'm playing on the ps3 and I've never really had this problem.

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