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    Siegmeyer's journey through Lordran and Oolacile...


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    Siegmeyer's journey through Lordran and Oolacile... Empty Siegmeyer's journey through Lordran and Oolacile...

    Post by Gazman0169 Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:57 am

    Bored at work, well there's a surprise :roll: , I got to thinking how cool it would be to do a Siegmeyer run, to run alongside my other five characters, and wishing to keep him low-level I eventually came up with this: -

    What d'ya all think?

    Edit. I forgot to include my Hellboy character, which brings the tally up to five.

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    Siegmeyer's journey through Lordran and Oolacile... Empty Re: Siegmeyer's journey through Lordran and Oolacile...

    Post by Rarayn Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:57 pm

    That looks perfect! Would be fun if you made an alternate PSN called "Knight Siegmeyer" and used him for co-op in appropriate areas. Was always disappointed that I never got to summon him for anything.

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    Siegmeyer's journey through Lordran and Oolacile... Empty Re: Siegmeyer's journey through Lordran and Oolacile...

    Post by Ghadis_God Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:11 pm

    Divine +10 might be bettr for PvE, it gets higher AR at any rate.

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    Age : 55
    Location : In Limbo. It's nice and quiet here don't ya know!

    Siegmeyer's journey through Lordran and Oolacile... Empty Re: Siegmeyer's journey through Lordran and Oolacile...

    Post by Gazman0169 Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:13 am

    @Rarayn- Now you tell me, after I started the piggin thing! lol Seriously though, that's a brill idea, and one that I'll definitely pursue later on today when I get back home from work, providing the name hasn't already been snapped up that is. Thanks.

    @Ghadis- Interesting, I never thought about giving the Zwei a Divine upgrade, mainly because I was intending to stick with a buffable weapon. I suppose it would fit, what with him being a Knight and all, you've certainly given me something to mull over that's for sure. Again thanks.

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