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    Fun with DSFix


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    Location : North Carolina

    Fun with DSFix Empty Fun with DSFix

    Post by PhlyingDutchman Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:21 am

    Hey guys,
    Over the past couple of days I've been figuring out the ins and outs of texture mapping and learning about normal maps, and wanted to show off my work. I managed to swap out the hollow textures for some home-made ones- I wanted to make it so that when you go hollow, you turn into a T800 instead of a zombie, but outside of the chest, I was pretty much winging it...

    what do you think? It's a bit more "children's skeleton Halloween costume" than murderous robot, but it's a start.

    (BTW the face is covered because it is unfinished and looks exceptionally creepy in it's current state)

    The images were showing up too big, so I'm linking my screenshots directory, which only has two screenshots in it:

    Posts : 29
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    Join date : 2012-11-08
    Age : 30
    Location : West Coast

    Fun with DSFix Empty Re: Fun with DSFix

    Post by sekkate Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:18 am

    thats pretty sick

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