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Back Lot Basher
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    Anyone speak Japanese?

    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Anyone speak Japanese? Empty Anyone speak Japanese?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:43 pm

    I'm curious about something...I was summoned by someone on PS3 last night, and we ran into a real d-bag invader (tried, and succeeded, to get us to aggro the first mimic in Oolacile Township - it jumped off the ledge). Anyway, the bottom line is, I ended up sending a message to the host about what had happened - I'm not sure if the host saw the mimic fall. But the host turned out to be from Japan. The reply came back "I don't know english". Obviously, he or she makes a point to know this phrase for replies to people from NA or Europe.

    My question is, can Japanese words be written using the English alphabet, if I wanted to do the same thing, let someone know I can't speak Japanese? I always assumed that it had to be written using symbols.

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    Anyone speak Japanese? Empty Re: Anyone speak Japanese?

    Post by bunnywink Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:54 pm

    I guess you could write in romaji... The conundrum is that if the Japanese person does not know English, they probably can't read romaji anyway. happy

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    Anyone speak Japanese? Empty Re: Anyone speak Japanese?

    Post by Ghadis_God Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:47 pm

    Japanese words can be approximated in English, but I'm not entirely sure whether the average Japanese person would understand it. PSN translates at least the names; when you pvp with a Japanese player, you're seeing the approximation in English.

    EDIT: He didn't learn any English to reply, PSN automatically translates the parts of the message that it can. I don't know if it goes from English to Japanese.
    Back Lot Basher
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    Anyone speak Japanese? Empty Re: Anyone speak Japanese?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:16 pm

    Ghadis_God wrote:
    EDIT: He didn't learn any English to reply, PSN automatically translates the parts of the message that it can. I don't know if it goes from English to Japanese.

    Interesting...I didn't know that. PSN is like Star Trek's unversal translator!

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    Anyone speak Japanese? Empty Re: Anyone speak Japanese?

    Post by Ghadis_God Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:38 pm

    Yeah, I got a message from a Japanese guy with about half of it translated. Thankfully, I could understand the other half because I speak a bit of Japanese. He was ***** at me for killing him because he was trying to do some Japanese user cov event.

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    Anyone speak Japanese? Empty Re: Anyone speak Japanese?

    Post by SlakeMoth Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:10 pm

    I know two Japanese words. Hai which means yes and aragato which I believe means thank you. Not much help.

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    Anyone speak Japanese? Empty Re: Anyone speak Japanese?

    Post by GkMrBane Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:43 am


    All the Japanese I can speak I learned from this video.


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    Anyone speak Japanese? Empty Re: Anyone speak Japanese?

    Post by bunnywink Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:55 am

    I don't think PSN translates the Japanese to English. I think Japanese people just happen to know a few English words. We can test if out if you'd like. My PSN account is Japanese. Anyway, you can always change the language to Japanese and write a simple phrase back to them... Umm...

    日本語が話せません nihongo hanasemasen or 日本語が分かりません nihongo wakarimasen... Wakarimasen meaning you do not understand. Hanasemasen meaning you do not speak. Nihongo obviously meaning Japanese. I hope that was helpful.

    EDIT: Also... Unlike the iPhone, PSN does not readily translate romaji/approximations like the above to Japanese characters, so you will have to either write in romaji (nihongo wakarimasen) or try to spell out the phrase. :o
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    Anyone speak Japanese? Empty Re: Anyone speak Japanese?

    Post by Sentiel Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:02 am

    (╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻
    This is only Japanese I can speak.
    I usually send it to people that tell me, they don't understand English. lol!

    Can somebody elaborate on that PSN translating feature?
    I'd like to know more about that. Proper Bow

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    Anyone speak Japanese? Empty Re: Anyone speak Japanese?

    Post by bunnywink Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:06 am

    There is no translating feature that I know of for the PSN. I honestly think in Ghadis' case that the individual just knew some English. The Japanese keyboard for PS3 has both Japanese characters and the Latin alphabet, so it's easy to switch between the two. happy
    Back Lot Basher
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    Anyone speak Japanese? Empty Re: Anyone speak Japanese?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:58 pm

    bunnywink wrote:There is no translating feature that I know of for the PSN. I honestly think in Ghadis' case that the individual just knew some English. The Japanese keyboard for PS3 has both Japanese characters and the Latin alphabet, so it's easy to switch between the two. happy

    Do Japanese symbols represent letters, the same as the Latin alphabet?

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    Anyone speak Japanese? Empty Re: Anyone speak Japanese?

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