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    OH MY GOD! That was soooo close...


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    OH MY GOD! That was soooo close... Empty OH MY GOD! That was soooo close...

    Post by ChizFreak Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:42 am

    I'm so relieved, oh my god...

    I'm in my pure faith build, level 99, NG, I talk to Siegmeyer and he asks if I opened the gate, then suddenly my cat Elfo (elf in english), jumps from the chair he was sleeping in, because he jumped so fast, the chair was pushed back a lot and it made a loud noise. From the shock I accidently pressed X and answered No to his question, forever losing the miracle in that playthrough.

    I panicked. I started thinking and thinking, I didn't pressed any more buttons, I left the controller there, and search on the wiki if there is some way to make him ask again. There isn't any...

    Then, a thought went through my head: "I still have a chance! If the game didn't save, I can turn off the PS3 in the hope the game loads before I answered his question!". I turned off the PS3. Turned it on. Dark Souls> I appear in front of Siegmeyer: "oh no..... it saved..." I press X: "Hey, that thing about the gates, was that your thing?" YEEEEEEEEEEES!

    OH MY GOD! That was soooo close... 3207319737 OH MY GOD! That was soooo close... 3207319737 OH MY GOD! That was soooo close... 3207319737 OH MY GOD! That was soooo close... 3207319737 OH MY GOD! That was soooo close... 3207319737

    Last edited by ChizFreak on Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:53 am; edited 3 times in total

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    OH MY GOD! That was soooo close... Empty Re: OH MY GOD! That was soooo close...

    Post by mugenis4real Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:19 am

    Nice save! Joy

    or should I say, NOT SAVE Well What is it

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    OH MY GOD! That was soooo close... Empty Re: OH MY GOD! That was soooo close...

    Post by Gazman0169 Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:21 am

    If I were you I'd skin the cat! twisted

    (or at the very least give him/her a good telling off! big grin )

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    OH MY GOD! That was soooo close... Empty Re: OH MY GOD! That was soooo close...

    Post by Halicarnassis Wed Dec 19, 2012 9:27 am

    Not as bad as my blunder! When i first got Dark Souls I was talking to Andre and the same thing happened only it was the R2 button! By the time I Realised he'd already killed me. When I went back to talk to him he was still aggro so I killed him and checked the wiki only to find out I could have got my sins absolved!! Thanks From! Needless to say - new game!
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    OH MY GOD! That was soooo close... Empty Re: OH MY GOD! That was soooo close...

    Post by Sentiel Wed Dec 19, 2012 9:31 am

    Halicarnassis wrote:Not as bad as my blunder! When i first got Dark Souls I was talking to Andre and the same thing happened only it was the R2 button! By the time I Realised he'd already killed me. When I went back to talk to him he was still aggro so I killed him and checked the wiki only to find out I could have got my sins absolved!! Thanks From! Needless to say - new game!
    This happened to me as well, but I wasn't able to kill Andre. He's a f*cking badass, Rocky style. He punched through my shield in no time and utterly owned me.

    Your cat is a troll, I bet it was ll on purpose. lol!

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    OH MY GOD! That was soooo close... Empty Re: OH MY GOD! That was soooo close...

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